On the surface, programming appears to mask itself as a science that serves to power the functionality of the applications that we work with on a daily basis. But really, it is so much more than that. Code is very intricately crafted, and when put together into its cohesive structure, we can see that it outputs the most beautiful and interactive experiences.

Essentially, we as programmers aren’t just problem-solvers and critical thinkers, but we’re artists and creators. We have the power to utilize skills and ingenuity to generate objects of beauty. Objects that’ll impact and change lives, just as a painter or musician inspires those with their work.

What I believe sets a great programmer apart from a good programmer is the perspective they take towards their work and the relationship they build with their craft.

The Issue With Not Focusing on Carefully Crafted Code

The problem is that most programmers don’t treat the craft as an art form. They focus too much on achieving the desired outcome rather than crafting the most elegant solution. Throwing around algorithms, an endless amount of code, and meaningless variable names like a five-year-old finger painter just smearing paint all over the canvas. See, you still get a painting, but by no means does it signify a thing of beauty.

I believe the dreaded “If it works, don’t touch it” is extraordinarily bad advice.

#life #art #productivity #clean-code #programming #visual studio code

Programming Is an Art — Stop Treating It Like It’s Not
1.10 GEEK