A frightening course made easy, fun, and remembered throughout life.

We all being scared of calculus courses at the university. The professor would teach the subject and we couldn’t understand what was really happening. Even more, we wouldn’t be really sure whether it’ll be useful in real life except to pass all the exams. Here, we’ll help you with how you can rock calculus easily.

So what is calculus?

Calculus can simply be defined as the change of mathematics. Or a generalized form of mathematics important for most mathematical topics known for today.

Why do people think calculus is difficult?

The reason why calculus is perceived as difficult is how professors, teachers, and instructors teaching methods. They generally treat calculus something like mysterious, not having daily life applications and making it as complex as they could. Moreover, they treat the course like there’s nothing important about except for passing their courses.

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Guide For Learning Calculus
1.20 GEEK