Free sessions available to Call for Code participants to develop open source skills needed to build smart and secure cloud native applications.

As a developer participating in the 2020 Call for Code Global Challenge taking on two of the world’s most urgent issues, security in your solution might not be at the top of your mind. But it should be if you want your application to be deployed to address the impact of COVID-19 or climate change.

A successful Call for Code solution might involve health records, personal information, or other sensitive data. It might be implemented at an enterprise, federal agency, or other organization where security concerns are paramount. As such, Call for Code submissions using proven and popular open source technologies as well as IBM Cloud and Red Hat OpenShift are more likely to be secure and have a leg up in their journey to real-world deployment.

Luckily, the Digital Developer Conference: Cloud Native Security, a free opportunity to develop skills to build smart and secure cloud native applications, is taking place on June 24, 25, and July 1. It includes technical sessions particularly relevant to developers participating in Call for Code, including:

IBM Garage Best Practices: Developing Secure Applications for Enterprise Clients See how, where, and when to apply a security-centric approach to build a secure solution, such as a cloud native web application. Topics include secure handling of credentials, secure coding practices, and DevSecOps as well as development time and runtime considerations.

Think Like a Hacker! Securing Containers: They’re just like VMs, except when they are not Secure containers are the fundamental building blocks of secure Kubernetes pods. See how to build and maintain a secure container environment and cover the entire container stack from host, daemon, image, to container.

#ibm api connect #security

How to Build a Secure Call for Code Solution
1.10 GEEK