In this Guide, we will be building a full-fledged Chat Application With Blazor WebAssembly using Identity and SignalR from scratch. When I got started with building a Chat Component for BlazorHero, I was not able to find many resources online that covered this specific requirement to the fullest. All I could get was simple applications that just demonstrated the basic usage of SignalR in Blazor, which were not pretty looking as well.

So, I am compiling this guide to cover each and everything you would need to know while building Realtime Chat Applications with Blazor that is linked to Microsoft Identity as well. This enables us to have a one-on-one chat with the registered users in our system. You can find the  entire source code of the application here.

I would also make sure that the application that we are about to build looks clean and professional. To help me with this, I will be using MudBlazor Component Library for Blazor. Here is how our final product would look like.

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Building a Chat Application with Blazor, Identity, and SignalR - Ultimate Guide
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