Now in the last lesson, we covered flat buttons and the void callback that they expect.
We also used the print function and gave it an input, or rather an argument.
So in this lesson, I want to quickly cover Dart functions.
So if you already know what an argument is, what return does, and what a function does, then feel free to skip this lesson and head over to the next one where we continue building out our Flutter app.
But for those guys who are staying with me, functions as you can guess from the name, are there to give your app or you give your program some functionality, right? Now, in this lesson, I want to talk about functions in the most fundamental sense and when we using functions as programmers, fundamentally, we’re trying to package bits of code together into a block and to call that block of code repeatedly, saving ourselves from typing the same code again and again and again.

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Dart - Flutter Functions (Part 1)
1.70 GEEK