If you’re one of many data scientists looking for a job, you might find yourself working on a data science take-home assignment. Instead of sharing your Jupyter Notebooks, it would be neater if you could convert the notebooks and submit the pdf version. In this blog, I want to share how you can turn Jupyter Notebooks into pdf format in a few lines!

Install nbconvert and LaTeX

nbconvert allows users to convert Notebooks to other formats. You would think after installing nbconvert, and you are good to go…right? If it’s that simple, why would I be writing this post?

After I installed nbconvert, I received an error saying “500: Internal Server Error.” The reason why you see this error is that you will need to install LaTeX or Pandoc as well. I decided to download LaTeX. The good thing about downloading LaTeX is that it makes your analysis look like a research paper, which is very legit.

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How to Convert Jupyter Notebooks into PDF
5.40 GEEK