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I have been using GraphQL to learn and build some personal projects. And in the process, I needed some boilerplate to a new project.

It inspired me to start working on something that would fasten the process of starting a new project. Something that enables anyone to build a GraphQL-Express server with a MongoDB database with ease.

So, I built the graphql-express-app CLI tool that can be used by anyone to start their new GraphQL-Express project with a MongoDB database.


  1. Command Line Interface for faster project generation.
  2. Initialize Git from the CLI.
  3. Install dependencies from CLI.
  4. TypeScript Support (Coming Soon!)

What is graphql-express-app CLI?

It is a CLI (command line interface) to start a GraphQL-Express server with some pre-designed MongoDB model for handling database and a Schema to access the Database and carry out GraphQL queries and mutations.

What to expect from the CLI?

The CLI will lead you to create a simple GraphQL-Express app that you can further build according to your project needs.

What are the dependencies in the generated project?

This CLI is built to initialize a GraphQL-Express server. It uses the following dependencies for starting a new project.

  • graphql: To build a GraphQL schema and design GraphQL types and use them for creating queries and mutations.
  • express: It is an npm module used to build routes in back-end applications and create middleware functions.
  • express-graphql: it helps us create a GraphQL HTTP server in the Express routes as a middleware function.
  • graphql-type-long: GraphQL doesn’t have a predefined long-integer type. This npm module helps bridge that gap.
  • dotenv: used to store MongoDB URI.
  • mongoose: used to connect to the MongoDB database and carry out CRUD functions.

#expressjs #command-line #open-source #graphql #servers

GraphQL-Express-App CLI — A New Way to Learn and Build GraphQL APIs
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