This is a quick example of how to hash and verify passwords in Node.js using the bcryptjs password hashing library which is a pure JavaScript implementation of the bcrypt password hashing function.

For more info on the bcryptjs password hashing JavaScript library see

For more info on the underlying bcrypt password hashing function, see

Installing bcryptjs from npm

With the npm CLI: npm install bcryptjs

With the yarn CLI: yarn add bcryptjs

Hashing a password in Node.js

This code hashes the password 'Pa$$w0rd' using bcrypt and stores the result in the passwordHash variable.

const passwordHash = bcrypt.hashSync('Pa$$w0rd', 10);

Verify a password against a hash in Node.js

This code verifies the password 'Pa$$w0rd' using bcrypt against the hash stored in the passwordHash variable.

const verified = bcrypt.compareSync('Pa$$w0rd', passwordHash);

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How to Hash and Verify Passwords in Node.js with Bcrypt
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