What is APY Vision (VISION) | What is VISION token

What Is APY.Vision (VISION)?

APY.Vision is an analytics platform that provides clarity for liquidity providers contributing capital on Automated Market Making (AMM) protocols. Innovations in blockchain technology and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) have opened the gates to allow anyone, with any amount of spare capital, to contribute liquidity to markets and earn a fee from doing so.

We are a tool that tracks impermanent losses of a user’s pooled tokens and keeps track of the user’s financial analytics. In addition, we provide historical pool performance and actionable insights for liquidity providers.

VISION is the membership token that is used for accessing the PRO edition of the tool. We provide our PRO members with additional analytics. Furthermore, token holders can vote on new features to determine the roadmap of the product. In the future, when we expand to other DeFi verticals such as decentralized options and derivatives, VISION holders can gain access to those analytics modules.

We believe the future is DeFi, and we want to build the best tools and provide the best analytics to this new breed of investors.

How Many VISION tokens Are There in Circulation?

VISION launched the membership token on Nov 15, 2020. The max supply of the token is 5,000,000 and 15% of the tokens are reserved for the foundation, while 4% of the token supply is earmarked for marketing and promotions, while 1% of the tokens is reserved for giving back to the ecosystem.

Where Can I Buy APY.Vision Membership Tokens (VISION)?

You can acquire the membership tokens on our bonding curve or on Uniswap under the VISION/ETH pair.

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How APY Vision gives you 20/20 vision

Having been LPs ourselves, we experienced firsthand how there was a lack of visibility into an LP’s holdings and your profits and losses. We decided to solve this problem for ourselves by creating a tool that tracks impermanent gains and losses of your pooled tokens, allowing you to have all the analytics you need at your fingertips with actionable insights to ensure you’re in the best pools.

We truly believe AMMs are here to stay and we want to enable anyone, anywhere, who wants to be an LP to have the best information and knowledge they need to become successful in this fast moving, high stakes game of market making.

Beat the rest to be the best

We believe in a democratized world — after all, that’s why the ethos of blockchain appeals to us first and foremost. With that being said, the huge amount of work we’re doing needs support to continue to provide value to all our users. Our aim is that APY Vision will always be a free tool. For the more advanced LPs however, who require additional insights into the pools they are providing liquidity for, we provide a pro offering that unlocks additional features to give you a leg up over everyone else.

Our pro offering will enable:

  • Real-time price quotes (free members get refreshed quotes every hour)
  • Remembering previous addresses
  • Grouping wallet addresses into one single account view
  • Expedited query speeds (your queries will be prioritized)
  • Viewing historical gain/losses (free members can only see current liquidity pool positions) *
  • Tracking Total APY and returns with farming rewards included (a common use case for LPs that farm with staking contracts) *
  • Pool Insights advanced search (min 2000 VISION tokens)
  • Dark mode option
  • Daily summary emails *
  • Additional AMMs *
  • Vote for new features (min 2000 VISION tokens) *
  • Dedicated #gold channel on Discord (min 2000 VISION tokens) *

*Features will be released in subsequent releases

(At launch, we will be supporting a few of these features but we are working hard on rolling all the pro features out!)

Become a pro, hold a token bro

We’ve been inspired by the innovative products being born in the DeFi space and have modeled our pro membership on these projects. To become a pro member and unlock pro features, hold our membership tokens in your wallet.

Normally, a subscription service costs the same regardless of your level of usage.

However, with blockchain technology, we can be a bit more creative and innovative to ensure fair access for all.

To activate our pro features, you only need to hold 100 VISION membership tokens per $10,000 of USD tracked in your wallet(s). This ensures that people who are not big portfolio holders can benefit by holding just a small amount of VISION tokens in their wallet. As you provide more liquidity, you can add more VISION tokens to your wallet to activate the pro features — it’s that simple!

Tokens — not that big of a deal around here

First and foremost, we’d like to stress that the VISION tokens are not a security token. The token is designed to not hold value and does not have any inherent value. It is merely a way to unlock subscription access to our pro features. It is not meant to be speculated on. We are not an ICO or claim to return you any gains by acquiring the VISION token. This is simply a membership token and not an asset.

We will be launching our membership token based on a bonding curve. A bonding curve contract is one where the tokens being acquired cost more for each subsequent one. The initial cost of a VISION token is 0.0005 ETH, which means it will cost 0.05 ETH to track $10,000 USD worth in a portfolio (for life).

While we are working on delivering all the pro features, we want to enable our community to start supporting the project by being an early adopter. Thus, the cost of 0.0005 ETH per VISION token will stay that way until 250000 VISION tokens have been distributed.

Early bird gets the worm — initial phase

To ensure that there is product market fit for APY Vision, there is an option to exchange the VISION tokens back to ETH in the bonding curve contract in the beginning until the 250000th VISION tokens. In this phase, users can exchange VISION back to ETH at 100% of the price that they used to exchange the VISION tokens with in the first place (0.0005 ETH per VISION).

This ensures that if the project doesn’t gain any traction, early users can get their ETH back. That’s because we’re that committed to providing value to our community.

Also important to note is that in this phase, the foundation cannot sell tokens to the curve (in addition to the vesting terms below).

Normal Exchange Phase

After the 250000th VISION tokens have been exchanged, the token will be sold on the curve at the current price. A few days after the initial phase, we will be adding a Uniswap pool so that existing token holders can sell on the Uniswap pool and new users can choose to either buy or sell on the bonding curve.

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You get a token, everyone gets a token

There is a maximum cap of 5,000,000 VISION tokens.

The breakdown:

  • 7.5% (to the initial founding team, subject to a 36 month vesting period with 1/36 of the amount vests each month)
  • 7.5% going to a fund for contributors (subject to vesting)
  • 4% marketing / promotions / giveaways
  • 1% public goods projects
  • 80% bonding curve token contract

The master plan

At the heart of it, we’re nerds. We want to provide awesome tooling and analytics, especially since the tooling piece is sorely missing for Liquidity Providers today. That will always guide what we do.

The next phase of the Liquidity Network will be to enable monitoring and alerts to ensure Liquidity Providers can take action if there are any sudden pool movements.

Once we perfect the analytics and monitoring pieces, we want to enable a way for Liquidity Providers to automatically enter/exit liquidity pools based on alerts and parameters they set up. This will be done via smart contract wallets that only the users have access to and it will be non-custodial (because we don’t want to touch your funds with a nine foot pole, even if you paid us).

We will also be licensing our API for enterprise use. To access the API on a commercial basis, companies will need to pay for a monthly/yearly plan (in VISION tokens) and the tokens collected will be burned.

Finally, because Liquidity Provider tokens are currently held in a wallet (and not doing much), we will be looking at ways in which we can leverage them. Imagine being able to collateralize your LP tokens and borrow/lend against it to magnify your gains. Rest assured our valuable community members (you) will be able to vote on the final product.

Update — the bonding curve contract is LIVE

You can view the bonding curve contact here:

Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xf406f7a9046793267bc276908778b29563323996#code

Token Exchange Website:


Please do not acquire more than what you need. This is a membership token and it is inherently worthless. It costs 100 VISION tokens to track $10,000 USD worth. If you are unsatisfied you can return the VISION token for 100% of the ETH when less than 250000 VISION tokens have been sold. The contract has not been audited, so please use at your own risk.

FAQ (or the questions you’re too scared to ask)

Is the token bonding curve contract audited?

No, the contract has not been audited — please use it at your own risk. We will not be held responsible or liable for any losses that occur as a result of the contract. We did, however, base our contract off well-known and audited contracts and tweaked the parameters to our use.

Where is the contract address?

The contract address will be released in a subsequent blog post along with step by step instructions for acquiring the VISION tokens.

If I don’t like the service during the initial phase, can I cancel at any time?

You’ll really hurt our feelings but yes! You can simply exchange the VISION tokens back to ETH in the initial phase (where there are less than 250,000 VISION tokens sold). In that case, you get 100% back of the initial exchange rate. After the initial phase, you can sell it back on Uniswap after we create the pool.

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What is APY Vision (VISION) | What is VISION token
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