to provide identity verification and cyber security. This process estimates the probability of the discrete network users claiming to be during a whole session. The continuous authentication method, however, is quite new.

In the past, we had static authentication where people only need to log in to any application in their Login Credentials in the system. The system then evaluates the credentials entered and matches those in the database. When the credentials correspond with the database detail, the system allows users access to their credentials successfully. However in the current time, where online fraud is becoming more technological, this static content authentication is less secure.

An organisation can help to defend itself against online swindles by ongoing authentication. You try to take over the online session immediately after the user ends using it. This ongoing authentication helps to secure a network against threats from phishing and stuffing.

Working of Continuous Authentication:

Continuous user authentication operates on the basis of the behaviour of the user and attempts to authenticate a user based on that behaviour.

But as time passed, this authentication grew quickly from the use of a complex password to passwordless authentication for user access by means of methods like facial recognition, biometric authentication and much more.

It might seem that all these methods are currently not enough due to the upsurge in cybercrimes, and the session impostors have gone much further. But in order to make these methods safer, the developers are using ongoing network authentication.

There are many ways that the system is authenticated continuously. Some of the most common test types that are used for continuous authentication are listed below.
Biometric authentication
Authentication with passwords
Authentication based on certificate

You can read more about these authentication methods and how it can benefit your enterprise in this article about Continuous Authentication.

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What is Continuous Authentication?
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