Flutter Week View Is Highly Inspired

Flutter Week View

Displays a highly customizable week view (or day view) which is able to display events, to be scrolled, to be zoomed-in & out and a lot more !

Flutter Week View is highly inspired by Android Week View.

Getting Started

Getting started with Flutter Week View is very straight forward. You have the choice between two widgets : FlutterDayView and FlutterWeekView. Use the first one to display a single day and use the second one to display multiple days.


If you want a real project example, you can check this one on Github.

Day View

Snippet :

// Let's get two dates :
DateTime now = DateTime.now();
DateTime date = DateTime(now.year, now.month, now.day);

// And here's our widget !
return DayView(
  date: now,
  events: [
      title: 'An event 1',
      description: 'A description 1',
      start: date.subtract(Duration(hours: 1)),
      end: date.add(Duration(hours: 18, minutes: 30)),
      title: 'An event 2',
      description: 'A description 2',
      start: date.add(Duration(hours: 19)),
      end: date.add(Duration(hours: 22)),
      title: 'An event 3',
      description: 'A description 3',
      start: date.add(Duration(hours: 23, minutes: 30)),
      end: date.add(Duration(hours: 25, minutes: 30)),
      title: 'An event 4',
      description: 'A description 4',
      start: date.add(Duration(hours: 20)),
      end: date.add(Duration(hours: 21)),
      title: 'An event 5',
      description: 'A description 5',
      start: date.add(Duration(hours: 20)),
      end: date.add(Duration(hours: 21)),
  style: const DayViewStyle.fromDate(
    date: now,
    currentTimeCircleColor: Colors.pink,

Result :

Week view

Snippet :

// Let's get two dates :
DateTime now = DateTime.now();
DateTime date = DateTime(now.year, now.month, now.day);

// And here's our widget !
return WeekView(
  dates: [date.subtract(Duration(days: 1)), date, date.add(Duration(days: 1))],
  events: [
      title: 'An event 1',
      description: 'A description 1',
      start: date.subtract(Duration(hours: 1)),
      end: date.add(Duration(hours: 18, minutes: 30)),
      title: 'An event 2',
      description: 'A description 2',
      start: date.add(Duration(hours: 19)),
      end: date.add(Duration(hours: 22)),
      title: 'An event 3',
      description: 'A description 3',
      start: date.add(Duration(hours: 23, minutes: 30)),
      end: date.add(Duration(hours: 25, minutes: 30)),
      title: 'An event 4',
      description: 'A description 4',
      start: date.add(Duration(hours: 20)),
      end: date.add(Duration(hours: 21)),
      title: 'An event 5',
      description: 'A description 5',
      start: date.add(Duration(hours: 20)),
      end: date.add(Duration(hours: 21)),

Result :


Common options

Here are the options that are available for both FlutterDayView and FlutterWeekView :

  • events Events to display.
  • style Allows you to style your widget. A lot of different styles are available so don’t hesitate to try them out !
  • hoursColumnStyle Same, it allows you to style the hours column on the left.
  • controller Controllers allow you to manually change the zoom settings.
  • inScrollableWidget Whether to put the widget in a scrollable widget (disable if you want to manage the scroll by yourself).
  • minimumTime The minimum hour and minute to display in a day.
  • maximumTime The maximum hour and minute to display in a day.
  • initialTime The initial hour and minute to put the widget on.
  • userZoomable Whether the user is able to (un)zoom the widget.
  • currentTimeIndicatorBuilder Allows you to change the default current time indicator (rule and circle).
  • onHoursColumnTappedDown Provides a tapped down callback for the hours column. Pretty useful if you want your users to add your own events at a specific time.
  • onDayBarTappedDown Provides a tapped down callback for the day bar.

Flutter day view

Here are the specific options of FlutterDayView :

  • date The widget date.
  • dayBarStyle The day bar style.

Flutter week view

Here are the specific options of FlutterWeekView :

  • dates The widget dates.
  • dayViewStyleBuilder The function that allows to build a Day View style according to the provided date.
  • dayBarStyleBuilder The function that allows to build a Day Bar style according to the provided date.

Please note that you can create a FlutterWeekView instance using a builder. All previous options are still available but you don’t need to provide the dates list. However, you need to provide a DateCreator (and a date count if you can, if it’s impossible for you to do it then scrollToCurrentTime will not scroll to the current date).


You have a lot of options to contribute to this project ! You can :

Download Details:

Author: Skyost

Demo: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_week_view

Source Code: https://github.com/Skyost/FlutterWeekView

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Flutter Week View Is Highly Inspired
13.85 GEEK