Well, probably recently, so many times you have heard similar phrases as follows:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the rescuer of the humanity!
  • AI is fantastic, it will solve all our problems and it will create the heaven on Earth!
  • AI is evil! It will take our jobs and will make us unemployed!
  • AI is going to terminate the human race! Let’s stop it before it stops us!

Basically, AI is a tool, just like a hammer. Of course much more complicated, advanced and evolving but still a tool. Similarly, just like any other tool, you can have bad or good consequences depending on how you use it. You can use the hammer for either cracking a walnut or vandalizing someone’s car. So, it is a medium reflecting the intent of the user. Sometimes we might have a good goal in our mind to achieve with our tool but we can reach to a complete disaster since we do not have the full competency to use it.

Though there are many AI application areas (constrained programming, logic programming, reasoning etc.), here we will mainly focus on Machine Learning (ML). It is the rising star and flag ship of AI but is it omnipotent, fair and perfect? Of course not. There are many concerns and flaws we need to deal with.

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On Social Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence
1.15 GEEK