Intro: CoreDNS - Yong Tang, Infoblox

CoreDNS is a flexible and extensible DNS server with a focus on service discovery. Often used as a part of the Kubernetes deployment, CoreDNS can serve as the cluster DNS for Kubernetes. With the unique plugin-based architecture, CoreDNS can also be used in many other places, either by functionalities provided out of the box, or by customized plugins. In this session, we will update CoreDNS’ current state and the road map for the near future. The expected release of CoreDNS as the default DNS server for Kubernetes will be discussed heavily. We will also look into the integration with cloud vendors, for the extended and advanced usage of service discovery with CoreDNS.

#coredns #kubernetes

Intro: CoreDNS - Yong Tang, Infoblox
1.70 GEEK