Apache Solr is an open-source search platform written on Java. Solr provides full-text search, spell suggestions, custom document ordering and ranking, Snippet generation and highlighting. Solr handles a variety of data types out of the box, including JSON, XML, many Office documents, CSV and more. At the time of writing this tutoria, Solr 8.5.2 is the latest version available for installation.

This tutorial will help you to install Apache Solr 8.5 on CentOS/RHEL 8 systems.


We assume you already have shell access to your CentOS/RHEL 8 system with sudo privilege account. For remote systems, login with SSH client.

Step 1 – Install Java

The Latest version of Apache Solr required Java 8 or greater version to run. Make sure your system fulfills the Java requirements on your system. If not run the following command to install Java.

sudo dnf install java-11-openjdk 

Then check installed Java version:

java -version

openjdk version "11.0.4" 2019-07-16 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.4+11-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.4+11-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)

Step 2 – Install Apache Solr on CentOS 8

Now download the required Solr version from its official site or mirrors. You may also use the below command to download Apache Solr 8.5.2 from its official website. After that extract the installer script.

cd /tmp
wget http://www-eu.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/8.5.2/solr-8.5.2.tgz
tar xzf solr-8.5.2.tgz solr-8.5.2/bin/install_solr_service.sh --strip-components=2

Then execute the installer script with bash shell followed with downloaded Archive file. The command will be like below:

sudo bash ./install_solr_service.sh solr-8.5.2.tgz

This will create an account named solr on your system and finish the installation process. After that start the service default Solr port 8983.

#linux tutorials #apache #centos 8 #solr

How To Install Apache Solr 8.5 on CentOS/RHEL 8
15.90 GEEK