Learn Data Visualization with Power BI for Beginners! Data is only as good as one interprets it, and to tap the most out of the data available to us, it has to be well-analysed and presented for it to make sense. PowerBI is a business analytics and data visualization tool provided by Microsoft. It focuses on providing interactive business intelligence and visualization functions with an end-user friendly interface to create reports and dashboards. This software works towards turning sources of data into actionable, interactive and visually riveting reports & insights.

Great Learning brings you this video on “PowerBI Tutorial for Beginners” to help you set the right foot on starting out with Power BI. This video gives you a thorough insight into business intelligence, data visualization and data visualization tools. The video explains PowerBI and its components, the installation process and its interface in detail. Added to this, the video teaches these concepts by carrying out simultaneous demonstrations on Microsoft Power BI.

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
  • 0:03:09 Course Offerings
  • 0:04:24 What is Business Intelligence?
  • 0:08:07 Business Intelligence Features
  • 0:11:01 Phases of Business Intelligence
  • 0:14:51 What is Data Visualization?
  • 0:23:27 Data Visualization Tools
  • 0:27:29 What is PowerBI
  • 0:32:39 PowerBI Architecture
  • 0:34:25 Components of PowerBI
  • 0:41:22 Building Blocks of PowerBI
  • 0:44:54 PowerBi Reports
  • 0:45:49 PowerBi Dashboards
  • 0:48:37 Demo: PowerBi Installation and Interface
  • 0:58:15 PowerBi DAX
  • 1:05:38 Visual Analytics
  • 1:30:19 Summary

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Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | Power BI Tutorial | Visualization with Power BI | Great Learning
2.30 GEEK