Legacy on-premises security practices and processes cannot be directly transferred to cloud native security and management.

In this episode of The New Stack Makers podcast, Alex Williams, founder and publisher of The New Stack, hosts a roundtable with customers of IT security firm Palo Alto Networks who share their experiences and insights about cloud native security and other related topics. The guests are Brian Cababe, director of cybersecurity, architecture and governance for IT consultancy, CognizantTyler Warren, director of Internet of Things security for commercial warehouse real estate provider, Prologis and Alex Jones, information security manager for security penetration testing firm Cobalt.io.

The shift to the cloud is certainly not easy. It requires a high level of expertise and significant investments in time. “I have seen companies get into a lot of issues when they just do a ‘lift and shift’ in the cloud for whatever reason,” said Warren. “If you are going that route, make sure your house is in order, because you’re going to replicate any issues you have on-prem in the cloud — and you’re going to make it more difficult and more complex once you’re in the cloud.”

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War Stories: 'Lift-and-Shift' Does Not Work for Cloud Native Security
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