Animated Flow Diagrams using HTML5 Canvas

Future Flow

This project aims to ease the creation of Animated Flow Diagrams using HTML5 Canvas.

Animated Demo


  • [x] Fully customizable using only Objects.
  • [x] Zoom and Pan
  • [x] Export and Import Flows as JSON.
  • [x] Flow Animations.
  • [ ] Organize Flows using Layers.
  • [ ] Flows of Flows.
  • [ ] Export Flow as GIF.

How to Use

Vue Js

First, install the package with npm

npm i future-flow --save

Then in your Component

    <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-grow-1 vh-100">
        <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

    import { Flow } from 'future-flow'
    export default {
        mounted() {
            const options = {
                background: {
                    color: 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                fps: 60,
                zoom: {
                    level: 1,
                    max: 2,
                    min: 0.2,
                isDebugging: false,
                drawOrigin: true,
                editor: false,
                canMoveBlocks: true,
                autoArrange: false,

            const data = {
                start: {
                    x: 50,
                    y: 72,
                    isDraggable: false,
                    connections: ['stage1'],
                    background: {
                        color: '#12e445',
                    border: {
                        radius: 20,
                        padding: {
                            top: 50,
                            right: 50,
                            bottom: 50,
                            left: 50,
                        normal: {
                            width: 2,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        selected: {
                            width: 2,
                            color: 'black',
                        hover: {
                            width: 2,
                            color: 'black',
                    body: {
                        text: 'Start',
                        alignment: 'start',
                        divider: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                stage1: {
                    x: 300,
                    y: 45,
                    isDraggable: true,
                    connections: ['end'],
                    border: {
                        radius: 20,
                        normal: {
                            width: 5,
                            color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',
                        selected: {
                            width: 2,
                            color: 'black',
                        hover: {
                            width: 2,
                            color: 'black',
                    header: {
                        text: 'Alert',
                        alignment: 'start',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                        padding: {
                            top: 15,
                            left: 15,
                            right: 15,
                            bottom: 15,
                        divider: {
                            color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',
                            width: 2,
                    body: {
                        text: 'New Event Created',
                        alignment: 'start',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                end: {
                    x: 700,
                    y: 72,
                    isDraggable: true,
                    isConnectable: true,
                    canConnect: true,
                    background: {
                        color: 'rgb(255,0,0)',
                    border: {
                        radius: 20,
                        padding: {
                            top: 50,
                            right: 50,
                            bottom: 50,
                            left: 50,
                        normal: {
                            width: 2,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        selected: {
                            width: 2,
                            color: 'black',
                        hover: {
                            width: 2,
                            color: 'black',
                    body: {
                        text: 'End',
                        alignment: 'start',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',

            // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
            const flow = new Flow({ options, data })



Download the library from the CDN and deploy it to Salesforce as a Static Resource.

Then create a Lightning Web Component. It is necessary to give a Height to the div that is wrapping the canvas.


    <div class="slds-grid slds-grid_vertical outerdiv">
        <div class="slds-col">
            <canvas lwc:dom="manual">


import {
} from 'lwc';

import {
} from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
import futureflow from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/futureflow';

export default class Futureflow extends LightningElement {

    connectedCallback() {

            loadScript(this, futureflow)
        ]).then(() => {

            const options = {
                background: {
                    color: '#202124',
                fps: 60,
                zoom: {
                    level: 1,
                    max: 2,
                    min: 0.2,
                drawOrigin: true,
                drawGrid: true,
                editor: false,
                canMoveBlocks: true,
                autoArrange: false,
            let data = {
                start: {
                    x: 370,
                    y: 300,
                    isDraggable: true,
                    states: ['start', 'completed'],
                    connections: [{
                            to: 'stage1',
                            isEditable: false,
                            line: {
                                width: 1,
                                color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                                dashed: [5, 5],
                            connector: {
                                type: 'triangle',
                                width: 1,
                                color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                                fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            animation: {
                                speed: 5,
                                type: 'circle',
                                particleDistance: 20,
                                fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                            to: 'stage1.1',
                            isEditable: false,
                            line: {
                                width: 1,
                                color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                                dashed: [5, 5],
                            connector: {
                                type: 'triangle',
                                width: 1,
                                color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                                fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            animation: {
                                speed: 5,
                                type: 'circle',
                                fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                                particleDistance: 20,
                    background: {
                        color: 'rgb(59, 64, 66)',
                    border: {
                        radius: 10,
                        padding: {
                            top: 50,
                            right: 50,
                            bottom: 50,
                            left: 50,
                        normal: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        selected: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        hover: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                    body: {
                        text: 'Start',
                        alignment: 'start',
                        divider: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                stage1: {
                    x: 207,
                    y: 434,
                    states: ['start'],
                    isDraggable: true,
                    connections: [{
                        to: 'stage2',
                        isEditable: false,
                        line: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            dashed: [5, 5],
                        connector: {
                            type: 'triangle',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        animation: {
                            speed: 5,
                            type: 'circle',
                            fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                            particleDistance: 20,
                    }, ],
                    background: {
                        color: 'rgb(59, 64, 66)',
                    border: {
                        radius: 20,
                        normal: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        selected: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        hover: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                    header: {
                        text: 'Build',
                        alignment: 'center',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                        padding: {
                            top: 15,
                            left: 15,
                            right: 15,
                            bottom: 15,
                        divider: {
                            color: 'transparent',
                            width: 1,
                    body: {
                        text: 'Checking Out...',
                        alignment: 'start',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                'stage1.1': {
                    x: 548,
                    y: 434,
                    isDraggable: true,
                    states: ['start'],
                    connections: [{
                        to: 'stage2',
                        isEditable: false,
                        line: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            dashed: [5, 5],
                        connector: {
                            type: 'triangle',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        animation: {
                            speed: 5,
                            type: 'circle',
                            fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                            particleDistance: 20,
                    }, ],
                    background: {
                        color: 'rgb(59, 64, 66)',
                    border: {
                        radius: 20,
                        normal: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        selected: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        hover: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                    header: {
                        text: 'Test',
                        alignment: 'center',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                        padding: {
                            top: 15,
                            left: 15,
                            right: 15,
                            bottom: 15,
                        divider: {
                            color: 'transparent',
                            width: 1,
                    body: {
                        text: 'Queued',
                        alignment: 'start',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                stage2: {
                    x: 350,
                    y: 660,
                    isDraggable: true,
                    states: ['start'],
                    connections: [{
                        to: 'stage3',
                        isEditable: false,
                        line: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            dashed: [5, 5],
                        connector: {
                            type: 'triangle',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        animation: {
                            speed: 5,
                            type: 'circle',
                            fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                            particleDistance: 20,
                    }, ],
                    background: {
                        color: 'rgb(59, 64, 66)',
                    border: {
                        radius: 20,
                        normal: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        selected: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        hover: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                    header: {
                        text: 'Test',
                        alignment: 'center',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                        padding: {
                            top: 15,
                            left: 15,
                            right: 15,
                            bottom: 15,
                        divider: {
                            color: 'transparent',
                            width: 1,
                    body: {
                        text: 'Queued',
                        alignment: 'start',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                stage3: {
                    x: 298,
                    y: 893,
                    isDraggable: true,
                    states: ['start'],
                    connections: [{
                        to: 'end',
                        isEditable: false,
                        line: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            dashed: [5, 5],
                        connector: {
                            type: 'triangle',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        animation: {
                            speed: 5,
                            type: 'circle',
                            fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                            particleDistance: 20,
                    }, ],
                    background: {
                        color: 'rgb(59, 64, 66)',
                    border: {
                        radius: 20,
                        normal: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        selected: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        hover: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                    header: {
                        text: 'Release',
                        alignment: 'center',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                        padding: {
                            top: 15,
                            left: 15,
                            right: 15,
                            bottom: 15,
                        divider: {
                            color: 'transparent',
                            width: 1,
                    body: {
                        text: 'Queued',
                        alignment: 'start',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',
                end: {
                    x: 604,
                    y: 869,
                    isDraggable: true,
                    isConnectable: true,
                    canConnect: true,
                    background: {
                        color: 'rgb(59, 64, 66)',
                    border: {
                        radius: 20,
                        padding: {
                            top: 50,
                            right: 50,
                            bottom: 50,
                            left: 50,
                        normal: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        selected: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                        hover: {
                            width: 1,
                            color: 'transparent',
                    body: {
                        text: 'End',
                        alignment: 'start',
                        font: {
                            family: 'Arial',
                            style: 'normal',
                            variant: 'normal',
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            size: 20,
                            weight: 'bold',

            const canvas = this.template.querySelector('canvas');

            const flow = new futureFlow.Flow({

            //Changing the block status will dispatch an Event that can be hooked with a Callback
            setTimeout(() => {
                flow.getEntityByName('start').state = 'start'
            }, 3000)

            setTimeout(() => {
                flow.getEntityByName('stage1').state = 'start'
            }, 6000)

            setTimeout(() => {
                flow.getEntityByName('stage1.1').state = 'start'
            }, 6000)

            setTimeout(() => {
                flow.getEntityByName('stage2').state = 'start'
            }, 12000)

            setTimeout(() => {
                flow.getEntityByName('stage3').state = 'start'
            }, 18000)

            //Block Status Event Callback
            flow.getEntityByName('start').on('start', e => {

            flow.getEntityByName('stage1').on('start', e => {

            flow.getEntityByName('stage1.1').on('start', e => {

            flow.getEntityByName('stage2').on('start', e => {

            flow.getEntityByName('stage3').on('start', e => {


.outerdiv {
    height: 800px;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">

Inline Script

Import the script from the npm CDN

<script src=""></script>

Then just initialize the flow using an instance of futureFlow.Flow({ options, data })

        <script src=""></script>
        <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

        const options = {
            background: {
                color: '#202124',
            zoom: {
                level: futureFlow.isMobile() ? 0.8 : 1,
                max: 2,
                min: 0.2,
            drawOrigin: false,
            drawGrid: true,
            editor: false,
            canMoveBlocks: false,
            canDragCanvas: false,
            autoArrange: false,

        let data = {
            start: {
                position: {
                    x: 216,
                    y: 31,
                isDraggable: true,
                states: ['start', 'completed'],
                connections: [{
                    to: 'condition1',
                    isEditable: false,
                    line: {
                        weight: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        enableBezierCurves: true,
                        dashed: [5, 5],
                    connector: {
                        shape: 'triangle',
                        dimension: {
                            width: 10,
                            height: 10
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                    animation: {
                        speed: 5,
                        type: 'circle',
                        particleDistance: 20,
                        fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                }, ],
                background: {
                    color: {
                        red: 59,
                        green: 64,
                        blue: 66,
                shadow: {
                    offsetX: 10,
                    offsetY: 10,
                    color: 'black',
                    blur: 0
                border: {
                    radius: 10,
                    padding: {
                        top: 50,
                        right: 50,
                        bottom: 50,
                        left: 50,
                    lineWidth: 1,
                    color: {
                        red: 59,
                        green: 64,
                        blue: 66,
                    selected: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: {
                            red: 59,
                            green: 64,
                            blue: 66,
                    hover: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: {
                            red: 59,
                            green: 64,
                            blue: 66,
                body: {
                    text: 'Start',
                    alignment: 'start',
                    divider: {
                        width: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
                    font: {
                        family: 'Arial',
                        style: 'normal',
                        variant: 'normal',
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        size: 20,
                        weight: 'bold',
            condition1: {
                position: {
                    x: 164,
                    y: 176,
                isDraggable: true,
                type: 'conditional',
                states: ['start', 'completed'],
                connections: [{
                        to: 'yes',
                        isEditable: false,
                        line: {
                            weight: 1,
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            enableBezierCurves: true,
                            dashed: [5, 5],
                        connector: {
                            shape: 'triangle',
                            dimension: {
                                width: 10,
                                height: 10
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        animation: {
                            speed: 5,
                            type: 'circle',
                            particleDistance: 20,
                            fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                        to: 'no',
                        isEditable: false,
                        line: {
                            weight: 1,
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            enableBezierCurves: true,
                            dashed: [5, 5],
                        connector: {
                            shape: 'triangle',
                            dimension: {
                                width: 10,
                                height: 10
                            color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                            fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        animation: {
                            speed: 5,
                            type: 'circle',
                            fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                            particleDistance: 20,
                background: {
                    color: 'rgb(59, 64, 66)',
                padding: {
                    top: 50,
                    right: 50,
                    bottom: 50,
                    left: 50,
                shadow: {
                    offsetX: 10,
                    offsetY: 10,
                    color: 'black',
                    blur: 0
                border: {
                    radius: 10,
                    lineWidth: 1,
                    color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                    selected: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                    hover: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                body: {
                    text: 'OS == Win32',
                    alignment: 'start',
                    divider: {
                        width: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
                    font: {
                        family: 'Arial',
                        style: 'normal',
                        variant: 'normal',
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        size: 20,
                        weight: 'bold',
            yes: {
                position: {
                    x: 51,
                    y: 362,
                states: ['stage2'],
                isDraggable: true,
                connections: [{
                    to: 'stage2',
                    isEditable: false,
                    line: {
                        weight: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        enableBezierCurves: true,
                        dashed: [5, 5],
                    connector: {
                        shape: 'triangle',
                        dimension: {
                            width: 10,
                            height: 10
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                    animation: {
                        speed: 5,
                        type: 'circle',
                        fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                        particleDistance: 20,
                }, ],
                background: {
                    color: 'rgb(59, 64, 66)',
                shadow: {
                    offsetX: 10,
                    offsetY: 10,
                    color: 'black',
                    blur: 0
                border: {
                    radius: 20,
                    lineWidth: 1,
                    color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                    selected: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                    hover: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                header: {
                    text: 'Build',
                    alignment: 'center',
                    icon: {
                        src: '',
                        position: {
                            x: 0,
                            y: 0,
                        dimension: {
                            width: 25,
                            height: 25,
                    font: {
                        family: 'Arial',
                        style: 'normal',
                        variant: 'normal',
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        size: 20,
                        weight: 'bold',
                    padding: {
                        top: 15,
                        left: 0,
                        right: 15,
                        bottom: 15,
                    divider: {
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                        width: 1,
                body: {
                    text: 'Windows',
                    alignment: 'start',
                    font: {
                        family: 'Arial',
                        style: 'normal',
                        variant: 'normal',
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        size: 20,
                        weight: 'bold',
            no: {
                position: {
                    x: 350,
                    y: 357,
                isDraggable: true,
                states: ['stage2'],
                connections: [{
                    to: 'stage2',
                    isEditable: false,
                    line: {
                        weight: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        enableBezierCurves: true,
                        dashed: [5, 5],
                    connector: {
                        shape: 'triangle',
                        dimension: {
                            width: 10,
                            height: 10
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                    animation: {
                        speed: 5,
                        type: 'circle',
                        fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                        particleDistance: 20,
                }, ],
                background: {
                    color: 'rgb(59, 64, 66)',
                shadow: {
                    offsetX: 10,
                    offsetY: 10,
                    color: 'black',
                    blur: 0
                border: {
                    radius: 20,
                    lineWidth: 1,
                    color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                    selected: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                    hover: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                header: {
                    text: 'Build',
                    alignment: 'center',
                    font: {
                        family: 'Arial',
                        style: 'normal',
                        variant: 'normal',
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        size: 20,
                        weight: 'bold',
                    padding: {
                        top: 15,
                        left: 15,
                        right: 15,
                        bottom: 15,
                    divider: {
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                        width: 1,
                body: {
                    text: 'Linux',
                    alignment: 'start',
                    font: {
                        family: 'Arial',
                        style: 'normal',
                        variant: 'normal',
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        size: 20,
                        weight: 'bold',
            stage2: {
                position: {
                    x: 196,
                    y: 580,
                isDraggable: true,
                states: ['start'],
                connections: [{
                    to: 'end',
                    isEditable: false,
                    line: {
                        weight: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        enableBezierCurves: true,
                        dashed: [5, 5],
                    connector: {
                        shape: 'triangle',
                        dimension: {
                            width: 10,
                            height: 10
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        fillColor: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                    animation: {
                        speed: 5,
                        type: 'circle',
                        fillColor: 'rgb(247, 129, 244)',
                        particleDistance: 20,
                }, ],
                background: {
                    color: 'rgb(59, 64, 66)',
                shadow: {
                    offsetX: 10,
                    offsetY: 10,
                    color: 'black',
                    blur: 0
                border: {
                    radius: 20,
                    lineWidth: 1,
                    color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                    selected: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                    hover: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                header: {
                    text: 'Deploy',
                    alignment: 'center',
                    font: {
                        family: 'Arial',
                        style: 'normal',
                        variant: 'normal',
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        size: 20,
                        weight: 'bold',
                    padding: {
                        top: 15,
                        left: 15,
                        right: 15,
                        bottom: 15,
                    divider: {
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                        width: 1,
                body: {
                    text: 'Sandbox',
                    alignment: 'start',
                    font: {
                        family: 'Arial',
                        style: 'normal',
                        variant: 'normal',
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        size: 20,
                        weight: 'bold',
            end: {
                position: {
                    x: 219,
                    y: 773,
                isDraggable: true,
                isConnectable: true,
                canConnect: true,
                background: {
                    color: 'rgb(59, 64, 66)',
                shadow: {
                    offsetX: 10,
                    offsetY: 10,
                    color: 'black',
                    blur: 0
                border: {
                    radius: 20,
                    lineWidth: 1,
                    color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                    selected: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                    hover: {
                        lineWidth: 1,
                        color: 'rgb(212, 212, 212)',
                padding: {
                    top: 50,
                    right: 50,
                    bottom: 50,
                    left: 50,
                body: {
                    text: 'End',
                    alignment: 'start',
                    font: {
                        family: 'Arial',
                        style: 'normal',
                        variant: 'normal',
                        color: 'rgb(212,212,212)',
                        size: 20,
                        weight: 'bold',

        const flow = new futureFlow.Flow({



Property Type Description
options Object Object to configure the flow.
data Object Each Key is a Block that will be drawn in the Flow.
canvas Object (Optional) HTML Canvas Element. The Flow automatically picks up the canvas with an id = “canvas”


Property Type Description
background Object (Optional) Object to configure the background of the Flow.
fps Number (Optional) Frame rate for the animations.
zoom Object (Optional) Object to configure Initial Zoom, Max and Min Zoom levels.
drawOrigin Boolean (Optional) Draw the Flows’ origin point. Defaults to false.
drawGrid Boolean (Optional) Draw the Grid lines. Defaults to false.
editor Boolean (Optional) Enable the editor. Defaults to false.
canMoveBlocks Boolean (Optional) Enable use to move the Entities with the mouse. Defaults to true.
autoArrange Boolean (Optional) If true it will auto arrange the entities. It overrides properties X and Y in the Entity.Defaults to false.


Property Type Description
color String (Optional) It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.


Property Type Description
level Number(Optional) Represents the initial Scale things will be drawn. If not specified it defaults to 1.
max Number(Optional) The Maximum value for the Scale. If not specified it defaults to 2.
min Number(Optional) The Minimum value for the Scale. If not specified it defaults to 0.2.


Property Type Description
data Object Each key represents a block. The key is the “name” of an entity.


Property Type Description
x Number Entity position relative to the X axis.
y Number Entity position relative to the Y axis.
isDraggable Boolean If true the block can dragged using the mouse.
states Array of String Array of Event Names. Each entry corresponds to a state a block can have.
When the state is changed the block emmits an event that can be hooked with a callback function.
flow.getEntityByName('start').on('start', callback)
connections Array of Object Each Entry is a Connection Object.
background Object An object to configure the background of an entity.
border Object An object to configure the borders of an entity
header Object An object to configure the content on the Top of an entity.
body Object An object to configure the content on the Middle of an entity.
footer Object An object to configure the content at the bottom of an entity.


Property Type Description
to String (Optional) Name of the Entity to connect to. It has to be exactly the same name used as the key in the Flow.Data.
isEditable Boolean (Optional) If true you can edit the Points that forms the Connection.
line Object (Optional) Object to configure the connection’s style.
connector Object (Optional) Object to configure the Connector symbol.
animation Object (Optional) Object to Configure the flow Animation.


Property Type Description
width Number (Optional) It controls the thickness of the line.
color String (Optional) It is the color of the line. It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.
bezierCurve Boolean (Optional) If set to true the lines will be curves. It defaults to false.
dashed Array (Optional) It specified the lines will be dashed. It acceepts Arrays of Integer, like:
[5 , 5],
[5 , 5, 5]
For more details use this reference.


Property Type Description
type String (Optional) It accepts:
It defaults to triangle.
width Number (Optional) It controls the thickness of the line.
color String (Optional) It controls the color of the line. It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.
fillColor String (Optional) It controls the color the triangle is filled with. It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.


Property Type Description
speed Number (Optional) It controls the speed the flow particle moves.
type String (Optional) It sets the type of particle used. It can be circle or triangle. If not specified it defaults to circle.
particleDistance Number (Optional) It controls the distance between each particle during the flow Animation.
fillColor String (Optional) It is the color of the particle. It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified


Property Type Description
color String (Optional) It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.


Property Type Description
radius Number(Optional) It rounds the border if it is greater than 0
padding Object(Optional) It is an Object to control the internal distances from each border.
normal Object(Optional) It is an Object to control the Border’s Width and Color.
selected Object(Optional) It is an Object to control the Border’s Width and Color when the Entity is Clicked.
hover Object(Optional) It is an Object to control the Border’s Width and Color when the Mouse is Over the Entity.


Property Type Description
top Number(Optional) It is the distance measured from top border to the inner content in pixels.
right Number(Optional) It is the distance measured from right border to the inner content in pixels.
bottom Number(Optional) It is the distance measured from bottom border to the inner content in pixels.
left Number(Optional) It is the distance measured from left border to the inner content in pixels.


Property Type Description
width Number(Optional) It is the thickness of the border.
color String (Optional) It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.


Property Type Description
width Number(Optional) It is the thickness of the border when Selected.
color String (Optional) It is the Border’s Color when the Entity is Selected.
It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.


Property Type Description
width Number(Optional) It is the thickness of the border.
color String (Optional) It is the Border’s Color when the mouse is over the Entity.
It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.


Property Type Description
text String Text that will be displayed in the Header.
alignment String(Optional) If start the text is drawn from left to right. If it is center the text is centered.
It Defaults to start if not specified.
divider Object(Optional) Object to configure the divider line between the Header and the Body.
font Object Object to configure the Font the text will be written with.


Property Type Description
width Number(Optional) Line Tickness
color String (Optional) It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.


Property Type Description
family String(Optional) Font Family.
style String(Optional) It accepts: normal, italic or oblique.
variant String(Optional) It accepts: normal or small-caps.
color String (Optional) It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.
size Number(Optional) Font Size.
weight String(Optional) It accepts: normal, bold, bolder, lighter, or a number passed as a String.


Property Type Description
text String Text that will be displayed in the Body.
alignment String(Optional) If start the text is drawn from left to right. If it is center the text is centered.
It Defaults to start if not specified.
divider Object(Optional) Object to configure the divider line between the Body and the Footer.
font Object Object to configure the Font the text will be written with.


Property Type Description
width Number(Optional) Line Tickness
color String (Optional) It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.


Property Type Description
family String(Optional) Font Family.
style String(Optional) It accepts: normal, italic or oblique.
variant String(Optional) It accepts: normal or small-caps.
color String (Optional) It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.
size Number(Optional) Font Size.
weight String(Optional) It accepts: normal, bold, bolder, lighter, or a number passed as a String.


Property Type Description
text String Text that will be displayed in the Footer.
alignment String(Optional) If start the text is drawn from left to right. If it is center the text is centered.
It Defaults to start if not specified.
font Object Object to configure the Font the text will be written with.


Property Type Description
family String(Optional) Font Family.
style String(Optional) It accepts: normal, italic or oblique.
variant String(Optional) It accepts: normal or small-caps.
color String (Optional) It can have the following formats:
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Defaults to Transparent if not specified.
size Number(Optional) Font Size.
weight String(Optional) It accepts: normal, bold, bolder, lighter, or a number passed as a String.

Download Details:

Author: AllanOricil

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#html5 #html #programming

Animated Flow Diagrams using HTML5 Canvas
16.85 GEEK