There is nothing like a page in an ASP.NET for .NET Core MVC application and it also doesn’t have something that refers directly to a page when you define a route in the URL. The closest thing to a page in an application for ASP.NET for Dot net online training Core MVC is known as a view.

As you know, all incoming browser requests in the ASP.NET MVC framework are managed by the controller and these requests are mapped to the controller’s behavior.

A controller action might return a view or some other type of action, such as redirecting to another controller action, may also be performed.

The most common method for generating HTML with the MVC framework is to use ASP.NET MVC’s Razor view engine.

To use this view engine, a ViewResult object is created by a controller action, and a ViewResult may carry the name of the Razor view that we want to use.

Core for ASP.NET

Supports Various Platforms:

On Windows, Linux, and Mac, ASP.NET Core applications can be installed. And you don’t need to create multiple apps using different frameworks for different platforms.


For browser-server communication, ASP.NET Core no longer relies on System. Web.dll. ASP .NET online training

Core makes it possible for us to provide the packages we need for our application. This reduces the pipeline of requests and increases performance and scalability.

IoC Container:

This includes the built-in automated dependency injection IoC container that makes it maintainable and testable.

Modern UI Frameworks Integration:

It enables modern UI frameworks such as AngularJS, ReactJS, Ember, Bootstrap, etc. to be used and managed using Bower (a package manager for the web).


ASP.NET The core web application can be hosted on different web server platforms, such as IIS, Apache, etc. As a standard .NET application, it is not based only on IIS.

Sharing code:

Helps you to build a library of classes that can be used with other .NET frameworks, such as .NET Framework 4.x or Mono. A single codebase can also be exchanged through frameworks.

Side-by-Side Software Versioning:

ASP.NET Core runs on .NET Core, which supports several program versions running concurrently.

Smaller Implementation Footprint:

The program ASP.NET Core runs on .NET Core, which is smaller than the .NET System as a whole. So, there will be a smaller deployment size for the program that uses only a portion of .NET CoreFX. This decreases the footprint for deployment.

View Outcome

The view is a file on the file system, and the View Result can also hold the view along with the model object, and the view can use the model object when HTML is generated.

When the MVC framework sees that a View Result is generated by the controller operation, the framework can find the view on the file system, execute the view that generates HTML, and it is this HTML that is sent back to the client by the framework.


To understand how this works in our application, let us now take a simple example by modifying the implementation of the Home Controller Index method as shown in the following program.

FirstAppDemo.Models used;

Microsoft.AspNet.MVC usage;

Applying System;

System.Collections.Generic is used;

Usage of System. Linq;

System.Threading.Tasks are used;

FirstAppdemo.Controllers namespace {

HomeController Public Class: Controller {

ViewResult Public Index() { {

Employee var = new Employee { ID = 1, Name = “Mark Upston”};

View(); returns;




Instead of generating an ObjectResult within the HomeController, let us only return what the View() method returns. An ObjectResult is not returned by the View process. This produces a new ViewResult, so we’ll also adjust the Index method’s return form to ViewResult. Here, the View method accepts certain parameters. This method will be invoked without any other parameters. Let us save your browser file and refresh it.

Object Result

This is because the system for the MVC must go out and find the view, but right now there is no view.

Views are files that have a *.cshtml extension by default in a C# ASP.NET project and the views follow a particular convention. By default, all views live in the project’s Views folder.

If you don’t offer any additional details, ASP.NET online training india

MVC will derive the view location and the view file name.

The first place that the MVC framework would search for that view is within the Views folder if we need to make a view from the Home Controller’s Index action.

It will go to the Home folder and then search for a file named Index. cshtml, since we’re in the Index action, the file name begins with Index.

The MVC framework will also look within the Shared folder and you can use the views you put within the Shared folder anywhere in the application.

Let us build this Index. CSS HTML file in the correct location for our view results to function correctly. But we need to first add a folder to our project that will hold all of our views, and call it Views. We’ll add another folder within the Views folder for views that are connected to our Home Controller and call that folder Home. Right-click the Home folder, then choose Add ⁇ New Item.

Select Add New Item Select

Select the MVC View Page from the left pane, enter index. cshtml in the name section, and then press the Add button.

Let us add the following code to a file called index.cshtml.



Home </head> The <the body> <h1>Welcome! Welcome! With </h1> <p>On <div></p> <p>The message here is from the View…</p> <p>With </div></p> <p></the body></p> <p>With </html></p> <p>The *.cshtml file can now be accessed. It can contain HTML markups and it will send any markup we have in this file directly to the client. Save this file and get your browser refreshed.</p> <p>File CSHTML</p> <p>This view has now been made to the client by the Home controller via ViewResult and all the markup that is in that index. CSS HTML file, which is what was sent to the client.</p> <p>Let’s go back to the View method and the Home Controller. There are a few different overloads in this View process, and transfer the employee model as a parameter.</p> <p>FirstAppDemo.Models used;</p> <p>Microsoft.AspNet.MVC usage;</p> <p>Applying System;</p> <p>System.Collections.Generic is used;</p> <p>Usage of System. Linq;</p> <p>System.Threading.Tasks are used;</p> <p>FirstAppdemo.Controllers namespace {</p> <p>HomeController Public Class: Controller {</p> <p>ViewResult Public Index() { {</p> <p>Employee var = new Employee { ID = 1, Name = “Mark Upston”};</p> <p>View(employee) returns;;</p> <p>}</p> <p>}</p> <p>}</p> <p>The View method takes only the model object and uses the default view, which is the Index view. Here, as seen in the following program, we just want to transfer in the model data and use that model within Index. cshtml.</p> <html xmlns = "">>> <p>For <head></p> <title>Home </head> The <the body> <h1>Welcome! Welcome! With </h1> <p>On <div></p> <p>Name @<a href="http://Model.Name">http://Model.Name</a></p> <p>With </div></p> <p></the body></p> <p>With </html></p> <p>When we use the @ sign in a Razor view, whatever you type will be treated as a C# expression by the Razor view engine. The Razor view includes several built-in members inside the C# expressions that we can access. The model is one of the most popular participants. If you say @Model, you’ll get the model object that you’ve transferred from the controller to the view. So the @<a href="http://Model.Name">http://Model.Name</a> will display the name of the employee within the view here.</p> <p>Let us save all of the files now. Refresh your browser after this to see the following performance.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong></p> <p>This is all about core <a href="http://ASP.NET">ASP.NET</a> core MVC in an overview. You can learn more about this topic in detail through ASP <a href="" title=".net online training Hyderabad"><strong>.net online training Hyderabad</strong></a></p>

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Overview of ASP.NET Core MVC | Microsoft Docs
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