Kubeflow From the End User’s Perspective: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Xin Zhang, Caicloud

Kubernetes has become the most popular open-source container orchestration platform for managing cloud-native workloads. Furthermore, given the ubiquitousness of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Kubeflow has risen as a new open-source project tailoring Kubernetes to optimize for Machine Learning (ML) stacks, solving the devops chores and performance bottleneck usually plaguing a production ML system. Despite the promise, we (as a contributor to Kubeflow) have identified glitches of Kubeflow when being applied in the wild. We have surveyed 50+ real Kubeflow users (both system administrators and machine learning developers) from our enterprise customers. We will share how Kubeflow solves their pain-points, what pitfalls and disappointments they encountered in daily usage scenario, and how to evolve Kubeflow to be more practical and generally applicable…

#kubeflow #kubernetes #ai #artificial-intelligence

Kubeflow From the End User’s Perspective: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Xin Zhang
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