Hey dapp developers! Today I am excited because I am posting the step-by-step process that allowed me to deploy my first Ethereum smart contract on the Ropsten testnet.

If you’re an intermediate dapp learner planning to build more Solidity applications in 2020 this is an awesome starting point to clone or fork.

It’s Git-based, meaning you just go take a cup of coffee and browse the commit history, or log, which is available at programarivm/solidity-hello-world.

The git log will give you a clear understanding of what needs to be done specifically.

$ git log --oneline ab27b5b (HEAD -> master, origin/master) README is added 2b0e05a truffle migrate --network ropsten aae6249 truffle-config.js is updated 8f1ef2e npm install --save dotenv 6e99bcc 2_deploy_contracts.js is added 6b6d358 HelloWorld.sol is added 144bf28 truffle init 31aea18 npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider 173d4cd .gitignore is added 560a1ed npm init

#blockchain #solidity #cryptocurrency #ethereum #smart-contracts #truffle #git #programming

The Git Way to Deploy a Solidity Contract on Ropsten With Truffle
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