You may already be aware that Raygun uses Node.JS for our API nodes that receive your precious crash reporting data (we also do node.js crash reporting if you’re interested). We’ve peaked in the past at more than 110,000 requests per second coming through to Raygun, so performance of our API is important.

What you may not know is that recently Node.JS was forked, and there are now two implementations growing in the community: node.js & io.js.

While there’s plenty more to say about io.js, one of the key focuses was on upgrading the Chrome V8 implementation. The version still in use with Node itself was rather old and completely unsupported by Google.

This led me to wonder, what’s the performance implications of this? I recruited our recent new Raygunner, who also happens to love Node, to investigate!

#node.js #node.js vs io.js

Node.js Performance: Node.js vs. Io.js
4.95 GEEK