**Introduction to Kubernetes and Helm **

Kubernetes is one of the best platforms to deploy and manage containerized applications. But deploying such containerized applications to Kubernetes can be challenging. You have to write a detailed YAML file to deploy resources like pods, deployments, and services on Kubernetes that’s where Helm comes into the play. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes; it’s the yum and apt of Kubernetes. It allows us to deploy resources to Kubernetes quickly. It deploys charts which are the packages of application. Helm is also an official Kubernetes project in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) under the category of incubating projects.

Why we need Helm?

Helm makes deployments so easy in Kubernetes, all you need to add helm charts on your Kubernetes cluster. All the Helm charts are stored in Helm repository; you can search the required application chart on Helm registry and add them to your Kubernetes cluster with ease. For example, if you want to deploy a WordPress app on your Kubernetes, you have to create Yaml manifest files for deployment and service for both app and database, which can be quite complicated. Still, by using Helm you can deploy WordPress in a few minutes on your Kube cluster. Also if you want to deploy 50 microservices on Kubernetes using manifest files it consumes a whole lot of time and also there is an exorbitant probability of errors. Still, in case of Helm, you have to remember the name of required charts, and you can deploy these as quick as Flash.

How to install Helm?

The process of installing Helm is effortless, you can install it using the binaries, or you can use package managers.

From homebrew on macOS:

brew install Helm

From Chocolatey on windows:

choco install Kubernetes-helm

From installer script:

Helm now comes with an installer script, you can fetch this script to your system, and it automatically installs the latest version of Helm in your system.

$ curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/master/scripts/get-helm-3

$ chmod 700 get_helm.sh

$ ./get_helm.sh

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Introduction to Helm - Package Manager for Kubernetes
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