In this article, we’re collecting and talking about the latest changes in new Angular versions. We started with Angular 8 major release and now the article is updated with content based on 9 and 10 Angular release. Let’s start with a recap of Angular 8 new features.

Angular 8 new features

The list of all the changes which has been introduced in Angular 8 is pretty long. That’s why I decided to focus on some of the key changes only. These are:

  • Differential Loading,
  • Ivy Engine (preview version),
  • Bazel integration (preview version),
  • The new preferred syntax for lazy loading imports,
  • The significant change in decorators for ViewChild and ContentChild.

Besides these important changes, there are a few minor ones. These won’t be a part of this article but, still, they’re worth mentioning:

  • Requirement of a new TypeScript version >=3.4.0 and <3.5.0,
  • Depreciation of TestBed.get() non-typed signature,
  • Addition of support for web workers,
  • Registration strategies for service workers,
  • Removal of deprecated HTTP package,
  • Addition of new methods, such as AbstractControl.markAllAsTouched() and FormsArray.clear().

Now, I’ll try to present you the details about these 5 aforementioned Angular 8 changes I consider important. Starting with Differential Loading.

Differential Loading

In my opinion, one of the most important reasons for you to update any Angular 7 apps (or any other older version) up to Angular 8 is Differential Loading. The update itself shouldn’t cause too many problems and it’ll give your app free performance boost for the newer browsers. But what exactly is Differential Loading? It’s nothing else but a feature that allows you to generate two separate bundles. One for all the modern browsers (with ES2015+ support) and the other for browsers without the support for ES2015. The proper bundle will be loaded automatically by the browser itself.

Below, there’s a graph presenting the savings which are coming with Differential Loadings.

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Angular latest version – overview of Angular 8-10
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