23 Awesome Accordion Component with React

1.React fullpage accordion

Full page (or set height) fancy React accordion.

Note: Your React application will need to handle importing .css files (e.g. css-loader if using webpack).

Node: You will need to set any parent elemnts height to 100% and not pass a height prop, if you wish to have a fullpage accordion.

React fullpage accordion

CodeSandbox Demo

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2.React scroll collapse

Component wrappers for auto-scrolling collapsible elements - with smooth animations powered by react-motion and react-collapse.
React scroll collapse


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3.React Escape Outside

Close React component by pressing Escape or clicking outside of it.
Higher Order Component to close wrapped component by pressing ESC key or clicking outside. Combines two separate funcionalities I often find useful together. See a demo.

React Escape Outside

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4.React collapse

Component-wrapper for collapse animation with CSS for elements with variable and dynamic height
Collapse component with CSS transition for elements with variable and dynamic height.

React collapse

simple - codepen
accordion - codepen
read more - codepen
codesandbox - collapsibles
codesandbox expand-all
codesandbox CSS-in-JS integration example
view storybook

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5. Accordion react component

Accordion react component with animation.


6.React light accordion

A very lightweight accordion component in React (only has one dependency).

React light accordion


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7.React tabbordion

Universal, semantic and accessible React state managing components for creating Accordions and Tabs

Tabbordion is a component for managing active state between multiple items. You can make anything out of it:

  • Tabs component
  • Accordion component
  • Multi select list component
  • Option component
  • List of options
  • List of checkboxes
    Essentially Tabbordion handles the state, gives tools for complete CSS based styling, manages WAI ARIA and provides a great HTML/DOM structure to work with. Tabbordion is universal and therefore works both server side and client side!

Keyboard usage works just like with radio buttons (or checkboxes when using multiple mode); the component avoids reinventing the wheel and takes advantage of native browser behavior where possible, which is why you can’t see any code related to keyboard handling despite arrow keys and smart focus behavior being fully supported.

Demo: https://merri.github.io/react-tabbordion/

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8.React web tabs

Declarative, modular and accessible React tabs component https://react-web-tabs.firebaseapp.com/
React web tabs
See the demo website for a live example.

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9.React sanfona

React accordion component https://daviferreira.github.io/react-sanfona

React sanfona

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10.React collapse

React Collapse / Accordion
React collapse


online example: http://react-component.github.io/collapse/

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11.React tabbordion

Tabbordion is a component for managing active state between multiple items. You can make anything out of it:

  • Tabs component
  • Accordion component
  • Multi select list component
  • Option component
  • List of options
  • List of checkboxes
    Essentially Tabbordion handles the state, gives tools for complete CSS based styling, manages WAI ARIA and provides a great HTML/DOM structure to work with. Tabbordion is universal and therefore works both server side and client side!

Keyboard usage works just like with radio buttons (or checkboxes when using multiple mode); the component avoids reinventing the wheel and takes advantage of native browser behavior where possible, which is why you can’t see any code related to keyboard handling despite arrow keys and smart focus behavior being fully supported.

Demo: https://merri.github.io/react-tabbordion/

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12. React Accordion Component

Minimal UI Accordion Component Written In React.
React Accordion Component

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13. React Responsive Collapsible Section Component

React component to wrap content in Collapsible element with trigger to open and close.

React Responsive Collapsible Section Component

It’s like an accordion, but where any number of sections can be open at the same time.

Supported by Browserstack.

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14.React Responsive Accordion Component

React component to wrap content in Accordion element.

React accordion component which is 100% responsive.

React Responsive Accordion Component

This component is dependent on React Collapsible

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15.React Accordion UI Component

I wanted to flex my react muscles by building a little component. It all began with this egghead tutorial.

Great way to get started and practice some ES6, however at the end of this brief guide I was left with only one list item, so I had some fun digging around to figure out how to render a full list of question and answers.

I also wanted to do a fun folding animation for the accordion, I drew from this really sweet widget! I’m not totally satisfied with the animation result, if anyone has thoughts on how to finesses the fold I’m all ears! :)

16.React accordion with header

React accordion component with flexbox header

React accordion with header

Demo: https://react-accordion-with-header.now.sh/

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17.React Accordeon

React Accordeon component with expand/collapse CSS animation. The event trigger can be configured to any component, such in the Navigation and Content

React Accordeon

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18.React accessible accordion

Accessible Accordion component for React. Inspired by rc-collapse and react-sanfona.

If you like accessible components, feel free to check this other repo react-accessible-modal.
React accessible accordion
Try a demo now.

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19.React accordion

a nice React accordion example.
React accordion

20.React collapsy

Simple lightweight (1.5kb minified+gzipped) accordion component.
React collapsy

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21. React Accordion

A Simple React Accordion example.

React Accordion

22. React + a11y Simple Accordion Example

Showing the team how easy it is to build stateful components in React!

These are a11y compliant accordions. Very basic, but a good illustration of how you can implement features rapidly using React. This took me about an hour to complete.

Live Demo

23.React Accordion Box

mimic the actions but building it in React.js

#reactjs #javascript

23 Awesome Accordion Component with React
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