In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a full stack Django + Angular + PostgreSQL example with a CRUD App. The back-end server uses Django with Rest Framework for REST APIs. Front-end side is made with Angular 11/10/8, HTTPClient & Router.
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We will build a full-stack Django + Angular Tutorial Application working with PostgreSQL in that:
The images below shows screenshots of our System.
On this Page, you can:
This is the application architecture we’re gonna build:
The following diagram shows the architecture of our Django CRUD Rest Apis App with PostgreSQL database:
These are APIs that Django App will export:
: create new Tutorial/api/tutorials
: retrieve all Tutorials/api/tutorials/[id]
: retrieve a Tutorial by :id/api/tutorials/[id]
: update a Tutorial by :id/api/tutorials/[id]
: delete a Tutorial by :id/api/tutorials
: delete all Tutorials/api/tutorials?title=[keyword]
: find all Tutorials which title contains keywordThis is our Django project structure:
The App
component is a container with router-outlet
. It has navbar that links to routes paths via routerLink
component gets and displays Tutorials.
component has form for editing Tutorial’s details based on :id
component has form for submission new Tutorial.
These Components call TutorialService
methods which use Angular HTTPClient
to make HTTP requests and receive responses.
For more details and implementation, please visit:
#django #angular #postgresql #python #web-development #full-stack