Such scary words. It oozes math all over them…

This is probably what you’re thinking if you’re new to computer science and programming. But really, they aren’t that hard to grasp, once you understand the basics of them.

the Big-O is a way of figuring out how efficient an algorithm is. When you’re working on a big project with a huge database, making your code run as efficient as possible can save huge costs in the long run. You may ask — What is an algorithm?


You can think of an algorithm as a recipe. A set of instructions on how to complete a task. Imagine getting a glass of milk. The algorithm for doing such a task might look something like this

  1. Open cupboard
  2. Get a glass from the cupboard
  3. Close cupboard
  4. Open fridge
  5. Take the milk carton out of the fridge
  6. Open milk carton
  7. Pour milk into the glass
  8. Close milk carton
  9. Put milk carton back into the fridge
  10. Close fridge

#algorithms #learn-programming #python #big o

Algorithms And Big O Notation In An Understandable Manner
1.20 GEEK