Did you know that JavaScript remains to be the most used programming language? A  survey by Statista says that about 67.7% of participating software developers use JavaScript as their primary  programming language. Despite competing languages like PHP and other open source technologies, most web developers continue to give first preference to plain JavaScript for website design and development projects.

The best part about JavaScript is that it can be utilized for full-stack web development, including front-end and back-end development. With the help of Node.js — a server-side  JavaScript engine, you can create fast and scalable website applications.

Here are some top advantages of using Node.js as your primary web development technology.

Reusable And Shareable Modules

The Node.js framework allows you to create specialized functionalities in the form of common JS modules. These modules can be easily exported into different types of applications, thus eliminating redundancy and making way for a more clean code. Each module can be coded for a specific purpose and can be reused across your applications and future  projects. Some benefits of building websites with Node.js are:

  • Modularity helps build scalable applications that promote loose coupling and easier code maintenance.
  • Updates and upgrades can be made with little repercussions to existing functionality.
  • Reduced  web development costs as modules can be reused and demand low maintenance efforts. Code reuse is also facilitated at a granular level.
  • NPM, the Node Package Manager, provides an online database of packages where you can publish, manage and share modules. Along with NPM and source control software like Bit, you can easily update modules and sync them across projects.

Non-Blocking Event I/O Framework

The Node.js V8 engine runs on a single thread with support for non-blocking IO events. What this means for server applications is increased efficiency and better use of available resources at all times. Here is how a non-blocking event IO framework proves to be advantageous for web development services:

  • Better context switching and IO readiness
  • Ability to respond to several API requests without being blocked by a single API call. In Node.js web development, the thread will continue to execute code after an API call and does not wait for control to return to the main code. This helps your server to connect to multiple clients and serve client requests without getting blocked.
  • Reduced response time. PayPal  report says that moving their web development from Java to Node.js technology has helped them reduce about 35% of their previous average response time. Netflix is another popular web-based application that saw a considerable reduction in start-up ever since they switched from Java to JavaScript.

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Top 5 Advantages Of using Node.js As Your Web Development Technology
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