Rust and Go are two huge successes in the realm of modern programming language development. The two languages compete in terms of backend web development… and it’s a fierce competition. For example, the popular communication app Discord just started swapping out Go services for Rust to boost performance.

Both languages are new, have growing communities, and are fast and efficient. When it comes to microservice architectures, frameworks, and apps, Rust and Go are household names.


Rust and Go share many traits, especially when it comes to web engineering. They both have rich standard libraries, though Go tends to have more internet-focused protocols such as HTTP supported of out the box. Both languages are open-source, meaning no company will be yanking the source code out from under us anytime soon. Go and Rust are both new which means they don’t come with the legacy and backward-compatibility baggage that you find with languages like Java and Javascript.

Having said that, there are a few key differences as well:

  • Performance
  • Memory Management
  • Development Speed
  • Concurrency

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Rust vs Go in Backend Web Development
29.40 GEEK