Learn how mapping works In VueX. Learn how mapgetters, mapactions, mapmutations and mapstate work in VueX

Managing state in Vue applications can be difficult especially when there are so many moving parts in your application. Vuex a state management library for Vue applications helps simplify that process but can also get cumbersome and bloat your codebase which brings us to mapping.

Mapping in Vuex helps you make use of multiple store properties (state, getters, actions, and mutations) in your Vue components. In this article we will be looking at how to use Mapping to map data from a Vuex store to Vue components.

This article assumes you have prior knowledge of Vue and Vuex. If not, I suggest you read this article I wrote to become more familiar with the primary concepts of Vuex.

#vue #vuex

How to use Mapping to Map Data from a Vuex Store to Vue Components
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