elenium Grid has been an integral part of automation testing, as it lets you perform test case execution on different combinations of browsers, operating systems (or platforms), and machines. It also enables you to perform parallel execution to expedite the cross browser testing process.

Selenium Grid 4, the successor to Selenium Grid 3, has been in the Alpha stage for the last couple of months. The developer community was very excited regarding Selenium 4 (Alpha), and the addition of several useful features such as Selenium 4 Relative Locator has helped accelerate activities related to Selenium test automation. Selenium 4 Alpha features an improved Selenium Grid design; the significant change is the introduction of ‘fully distributed mode.’ In this Selenium 4 tutorial, we take a deep dive into Selenium 4 and the vital architectural differences in comparison to Selenium 3.

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Selenium Grid 4 Tutorial For Distributed Testing
2.80 GEEK