In this SwiftUI tutorial, we’ll carry on improving our SwiftUI News App overall UI & UX. We’ll be providing a placeholder for our article views with the SwiftUI redacted modifier, replacing our loading view from previous videos and now implementing a swiftui skeleton view similar to Facebook. We’ll see how we can refactor our existing project and add in SwiftUI redacted into our project’s MVVM architecture in SwiftUI 2.0.


00:00 Intro
01:00 Using the redacted modifier in SwiftUI
04:04 Using the redacted with an API in SwiftUI
10:28 Using placeholder data with our API
16:00 Testing our SwiftUI app
16:20 Wrap up

Build a news app in SwiftUI tutorial series

Build Clubhouse in SwiftUI 2.0 and Dark Mode (SwiftUI Tutorial, SwiftUI 2.0, Clubhouse App Clone)

#swiftuitutorial #swiftuitabview #swiftuinewsapp #iosdev

#swiftui #xcode #redacted #swiftuitutorial

SwiftUI Redacted Tutorial -Loading Skeleton View-(SwiftUI Tutorial, Xcode 12, SwiftUI 2.0)
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