Data security and privacy is mission critical for every organization in 2020 as cyber security threats¹ increase rapidly.

As information stores expand followed by out-of-control costs, and increasing regulatory requirements, ignoring the risks of unmanaged information is a losing and costly strategy.

Here is one truth: Sitting on vast amounts of unmanaged data is a competitive disadvantage when competitors are effectively managing and using all of their information assets.

From Equifax¹¹ to Canva¹² attacks from hackers and Adobe¹³ breach, enterprises need to reinvent their cybersecurity strategies.

Organizations adopting data governance policies² ensure protection against both malicious and negligent insider threats, as well as meet the compliance requirements of data protection regulations such as the GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA, or CCPA.

Laws and regulations change on a regular basis. Because of this, data privacy and security measures should be reviewed to ensure it continues to meet all legal and regulatory requirements and best practices.

#privacy #data-governance #data-protection #data-science

How Enterprises can consolidate Security and Data Privacy
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