Welcome to another OpenCV tutorial! In this OpenCV video, we’ll be talking about corner detection. The point is to not just show you the corner detection, but to also introduce some of the interesting algorithms that OpenCV has built in. In this video, we’ll only need 3-4 lines of code to find all the corners in an image within OpenCV.

📄 Relevant Documentation: https://opencv-python-tutroals.readthedocs.io/en/latest/py_tutorials/py_gui/py_drawing_functions/py_drawing_functions.html
📝 Code For This Series: https://github.com/techwithtim/OpenCV-Tutorials

⭐️ Timestamps ⭐️

  • 00:00 | Introduction
  • 01:37 | Corner detection
  • 09:42 | Drawing corners
  • 15:04 | Drawing lines between corners
  • 18:35 | Outro

#opencv #python

OpenCV Python Tutorial - Corner Detection
2.15 GEEK