In this post we’ll look at how we can use Vue 3’s composition API to leverage the stale-while-revalidate technique in data fetching.

When building applications with frontend frameworks, one aspect that generates a lot of opinions is the concept of data fetching. In basic scenarios, you would handle your data using a combination of an HTTP client (e.g Axios) and Vue’s lifecycle methods.

More complex situations such as larger applications with multiple components, which in most cases will be routed, will require a different approach. Also, the sequence in which data is to be fetched — before or after certain components have been loaded — is also a concern. In this post, we’ll take a look at the best practices for fetching data in advanced scenarios when working with Vue. We’ll also learn how we can use Vue 3’s composition API to leverage the stale-while-revalidate technique in data fetching.

Data fetching while navigating routed components

Data fetching when various routed components are involved could get complex. In some cases, we may want to display some data while a particular route is being navigated. Vue Router handles this properly by providing options to either fetch the data before navigation is made or after. Let’s take a look at both scenarios.

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Advanced Data Fetching Techniques in Vue
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