I recently passed the Azure AI Fundamentals certification exam and would like to share a few tips on how to prepare for the exam. I studied for a couple of hours a night for approximately 3 weeks and took Fridays off, because… Friday 😁.

First things first, everything you need to study is available for FREE!

At the bottom of the certification page you can see all of the material you need to study via Microsoft Learn. This is a step by step path for you to master everything needed for the certification.

You can see that the skills measured are in these main topics, click download certification skills outline for a more detailed explanation.

**Tip 1 **— Prepare your study materials

Copy the detailed explanation to a place like OneNote, so you can cross what you have already studied, revisit that before and after your study sessio_ns._

AI-900 study requirements

Spend a few minutes formatting it. I like putting check boxes in front of mine. This allows me to easily mark what I have already studied. You can also do something similar in a spreadsheet if you prefer.

Alright, now that you have what you need to study for the exam, its time to prepare the materials. For this exam I used Microsoft Learn(it has everything that you will need) and YouTube.

Tip 2 — Use more than one learning source

Microsoft Learn is great, easy to use, very well detailed, but even better it has free hands-on exercises that you can, in some lessons, open up a virtual machine that’s preloaded with the materials so you don’t have to install anything on your own.

I like YouTube as well because it helps hearing a different perspective from other people, as well as reinforcing what you have studied so far.

I particularly liked this video from Daniel Baker where he explains the same examples from MS Learn, as well as this playlist with smaller videos from A Guide To Cloud they are a great recap after each module studied.

Tip 3 — Copy down your study materials as you go through them, highlight areas you feel are important and take notes.

I like copying the content I’m studying (in this case from Microsoft Learn) to OneNote, I find it easy to group things as well as search through the materials later on

Microsoft Learn Material Notes

Tip 4 — Review your previous study session.

At the beginning of each study session I take a few moments and skim over the prior session. I’m not rereading it, I’m just looking it over as a quick refresher. This helps me keep what I have already learned fresh in my mind. Specially after a few weeks of study. I really like doing this, specially when I am studying a topic that is not related to my day to day work.

#tips #study #ai

Tips for Azure AI-900 Certification
1.10 GEEK