Vue Elasticsearch Tutorial With Node.js From Scratch is today’s leading topic. We build a frontend in Vue.js and then send a network request to the node.js server and node will query the data to the elastic server. It will get a response and send the JSON response back to the Vue.js client. Now, first, we create a Vue.js frontend and then create a node.js server and index all the data to the elastic-server. Then send a request to the node server and fetch the data. So it is pretty simple stuff to understand. You can find full documentation of  elasticsearch here.

If you want to learn more about Vue.js then check out this  Vue JS 2 – The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex) course.

## Vue Elasticsearch Tutorial With Node.js

Now let us dive into the programming. First, install Vue.js.

#vue.js #vue #node.js #vue elasticsearch

Vue Elasticsearch Tutorial With Node.js From Scratch
25.30 GEEK