Building an Uber like App for Handyman Services - A Guide for Entrepreneurs

Welcome, aspiring entrepreneurs, to the world of on-demand services! The on-demand economy is booming, the handyman industry is no exception. If you're looking to start a successful business in this growing market, you've come to the right place.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of building an Uber-like app for handyman services. This is a venture that has the potential to redefine the way people hire skilled professionals for home repair needs.

We'll start by covering the basics of on-demand service app development. Then, we'll discuss the specific features and functionality that your app will need. 

So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

The state of the on-demand Handyman service app market

The popularity of on-demand handyman service apps has skyrocketed in recent years. In the United States, the market for these apps is expected to reach $262.10 million by the end of 2022. The growth of these apps is driven by convenience, affordability, and flexibility.

With a few clicks on their smartphones, users can book/hire a wide range of skilled professionals. The time-saving features, transparent pricing, and easy schedule options enhance the need for these apps.

Trust and reliability are also crucial factors. Established apps ensure that their service providers are qualified and trustworthy. Additionally, user-friendly interfaces and cashless transactions contribute to the overall positive experience for both customers and service providers.

As word-of-mouth marketing spreads the word about these apps, they continue to gain traction and revolutionize the way people handle household tasks.

Advantages of Handyman service app for customers

  • Convenience in finding and booking services
  • Time-saving with quick scheduling
  • Transparent pricing
  • Wide range of services available
  • Reviews and ratings for informed decisions
  • Emergency support
  • Cashless transactions for secure payments

Advantages of Handyman app for Service providers

  • Increased visibility and a larger customer base
  • Enhanced business opportunities and a steady stream of clients
  • Flexibility to set availability and manage work schedules
  • Efficient management of appointments 
  • Quick payouts
  • Improved credibility through reviews and ratings
  • Marketing and promotion support through the app platform
  • Reduced administrative tasks and paperwork
  • Streamlined communication with customers 

Benefits of developing a Handyman app for entrepreneurs

  • Revenue generation through service commissions and premium features
  • Expansion to new regions and services
  • Digital reach to a larger audience, including tech-savvy customers
  • Brand building and competitive advantage over traditional providers
  • Streamlined operations and communication between providers and customers
  • Adaptation to technology and modern customer needs
  • Partnership opportunities and potential collaborations
  • Continuous growth through app updates and enhancements
  • Positive user experience leads to positive reviews and referrals
  • Business insights through app analytics for better strategies
  • Job creation and positive impact on the local economy

Must-have features of Handyman app like Uber

If you are planning to create an app like Uber for handyman services, you need to be strategic from the start. You need to plan carefully, research user requirements, and see what your competitors are offering. The first step is to finalize the features your app will have.

Defining the features in the early stages is essential because it will determine the investment, team size, and direction of your app. You also need to consider three different groups: end-users, handymen, and administrators. Here are some essential features that every Handyman app should have.

Customer app features

  • User Registration
  • Service Selection
  • Geolocation
  • Real-Time Tracking
  • In-App Communication
  • Reviews and Ratings
  • Multiple Payment Options
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Pricing Estimation

Service provider app features

  • Provider Registration
  • Service Availability Settings
  • Geolocation
  • Real-Time Order Notifications
  • In-App Communication with Users
  • Accept/Reject Service Requests
  • Job Details and Customer Information
  • Navigation to User's Location
  • Completed Jobs History
  • Earnings and Payouts Information
  • Ratings and Reviews from Users

Admin features

  • Dashboard with Overview and Analytics
  • User Management (Approve/Block Users)
  • Service Provider Management (Approve/Block Providers)
  • Service Category Management
  • Pricing and Payment Management
  • Geolocation Settings
  • Customer Support Management
  • Job Management (View/Track Service Requests)
  • Real-Time Notifications and Alerts
  • Ratings and Reviews Management
  • Promo Code and Discount Management
  • Content Management (FAQs, Terms, Privacy Policy)

Explore more features - 

Tech Stack Required for handyman app development

Now that you know the features your app should have, the next decision is the tech stack. If you don't have a piece of technical knowledge, it is highly recommended that you hire a handyman app development team at this stage.

Even if you are proficient in app development, wearing an entrepreneurial hat will keep you busy with other business matters. Therefore, it is best to hire dedicated developers to develop an app like Uber for handyman services.

A professional team will guide you efficiently through the next app development steps and the tech stack that is right for your business model. Here are some recommendations to help you get started with the tech stack decision:

Front-end: The front-end is what users will see and interact with in your app. The most popular front-end frameworks for mobile apps are React Native, Flutter, and Ionic.

Back-end: The back-end of your app is what powers the features and functionality. The most popular back-end frameworks for mobile apps are Node.js, Django, and Rails.

Database: The database is where you will store data for your app. The most popular databases for mobile apps are MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

The specific tech stack you choose will depend on your specific needs and requirements. However, the recommendations above will give you a good starting point.

How much does it cost to create a handyman app like uber

The cost of developing an app like Uber for handyman services can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the app's features, complexity, platform, development team's location, and the time required to complete the project.

Below is a comparison table between custom handyman app development and ready-made app solutions:


Custom app development

Ready-made app Solution

FlexibilityHighly flexible, as you can customize the app to your specific needs and requirements.Less flexible, as you are limited to the features and functionality that are included in the ready-made solution.
ScalabilityHighly scalable, as you can easily add new features and functionality as your business grows.Less scalable, as you may be limited by the capacity of the ready-made solution.
CustomizationHighly customizable, as you can change the look and feel of the app to match your branding.Less customizable, as you may be limited to the customization options that are available in the ready-made solution.
CostMore expensive, as you will need to hire a team of developers to build the app.Less expensive, as you can purchase a ready-made solution for a one-time fee.
Time to marketLonger, as it will take time to develop the app and test it thoroughly.Shorter, as you can purchase a ready-made solution that is already developed and tested.
SupportYou will need to provide your own support for the app.The ready-made solution provider may provide support for the app.

Choosing between custom development and a ready-made solution depends on factors such as budget, time constraints, unique features needed, scalability requirements, and the level of control and ownership desired. Evaluating these aspects will help determine which option is the best fit for the specific needs of the Handyman app project.

Wrapping Up

Building an Uber like app for handyman services can be a great way to start a business or grow an existing one. However, it is important to do your research and plan carefully before you start the development process. By utilizing the tips in this guide, you can increase your chances of success.

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