Iframes let you build user experiences into embeddable ‘cross-domain components’, which let users interact with other sites without being redirected. I have compiled 7 best Javascript iframe libraries.
A cross-domain component toolkit, supporting:
Postmate is a promise-based API built on postMessage. It allows a parent page to speak with a child iFrame across origins with minimal effort.
Keep same and cross domain iFrames sized to their content with support for window/content resizing, in page links, nesting and multiple iFrames
Embed proxy. Supports over 1800 domains via custom parsers, oEmbed, Twitter Cards and Open Graph
This component allows you to encapsulate your entire React application or per component in an iFrame.
A seamless iframe makes it so that visitors are unable to distinguish between content within the iframe and content beside the iframe. Seamless.js is a JavaScript library (with no dependencies) that makes working with iframes easy by doing all the seamless stuff for you automatically.
A proxy to safely communicate to cross-domain iframes in javascript
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