In my previous blog post, I have explained in detail how you can Install Docker and Docker-compose on Ubuntu

In this guide, I have explained the Top 24 Docker Commands with examples.

Make sure you have sudo or root privileges to the system.

Docker Commands

  1. The command to check the version of Docker installed.
  2. To look/search for available docker images from the Docker registry.
  3. To pull docker images from the Docker registry.
  4. Listing all the docker images
  5. Creating / Running docker container from Docker image.
  6. To list the actively running docker containers.
  7. To list all the docker containers
  8. To stop a Container
  9. To start a Container
  10. To restart a Docker container
  11. To login to running Docker container
  12. To delete the stopped Docker containers
  13. To delete Docker images from the Local system
  14. To check logs of a running Docker container
  15. Killing docker containers
  16. Log in to Docker Hub registry (
  17. Removing docker hub registry login from the system.
  18. Check active resource usage by each containers
  19. Rename a Docker container
  20. To display system wide information of Docker
  21. Inspecting a Docker container
  22. Building docker images from Docker file
  23. Creating new docker images from a Container
  24. Pushing Docker images from Local to Docker registry.

#docker #docker-command #containers #docker-compose #docker-image

Top 24 Docker Commands Explained with Examples
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