I fancied doing a little fun weekend project last weekend, so I thought I’d make a little bot that posts the otter emoji every day.

Just because that’s nice isn’t it?

I’d seen stuff like  Emoji Aquarium and  Emoji Mashup Bot and thought they’re pretty neat.


  • You know a little bit of JavaScript
  • You more or less know how to use the terminal
  • You have  NPM installed
  • You have signed up for a  Twitter Developer account and started a new project. For ease, I am using the developer account I signed up for as the Twitter account that I am posting from.
  • You have grabbed your API Key & Secret, and your Access Token & Secret from your project page.

#twitterbots #javascript #node #nodejs #twitter

Building a Twitter Bot with Nodejs in 3 steps
3.05 GEEK