I remember back to when I first learned Python. It was a strange decision for a happily employed post-graduate to make, especially for a time when many were screaming for the death of the language with Guido’s (outrageous?) grand reveal of Python 3. The Ruby on Rails guys seemed to be doing just fine. Those were the days.

After weeks of sweating over a keyboard in the basement of an illegal Bedstuy hostel, I had finally set out what I had hoped to achieve. It was the greatest credential any programmer could possibly strive for: yes ladies and gentlemen, none other than yours truly became an officially recognized licensed professional: I had just completed the last Python course in Codecademy.

Congratulations, you know nothing

Armed with this new unfathomable knowledge, I was ready to take on the world. I did have a few gaps in my knowledge, such as:

  • Experience with Linux
  • General idea of what a terminal is and why anybody would use one
  • Basic understanding of the internet
  • Motor skills needed to survive

That aside, I was determined. Nothing could stop me, which turns out to be a really bad attitude when you’re SSHed into a VPS with root access, and zero hesitation to wreak havoc upon any and all system files. You see where this is going.

#python #devops #python path #fucked #path

So You've Fucked up your Python Path
3.95 GEEK