❗️ You DON’T have to be a great designer to build beautiful websites. Today I share my top 3 React UI Component / Asset libraries for making beautiful websites.

  1. Framer Motion: https://www.framer.com/motion/
    2a. TailwindCSS: https://tailwindcss.com/
    2b. TailwindUI: https://tailwindui.com/
  2. Undraw: https://undraw.co/

🧠 Knowing what libraries are out there and when to use them is the difference between a good and a great developer.

WHO AM I: I’m Dylan, a Cloud Engineer living in Bend, Oregon. I use my background in tech to make videos about technology that enables and grows businesses.

🌍 My website / blog -

#react #ui #top 3 react ui component #libraries

Top 3 React UI Component / Asset Libraries - 2021 - To Make Beautiful Websites
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