How to Develop a Cost Effective Job Portal App Like and

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Technology is now taking a major part in a person’s life. Different types of software are helping people around the globe to perform numerous tasks with ease. Within a few clicks from the tip of the fingers, it is easier for people to book a cab, buy groceries, purchase a book to read, to name a few. One such part where the tech sector is spreading the wings is the online Job Portal Clone. The platform allows the deserving candidate to find different types of jobs as per their skill set in a matter of minutes.

Every year, numbers of students complete the courses from a reputed college and then move to search for a good job as per their preference. Here, the job portal comes into the picture to help students search for a job by sitting anywhere. The software is designed to allow students to update the resume at the speed of light and interact with human resource managers efficiently. It is very easy to find a good company by reading the reviews written by employees.

The students and other people need to add their total qualification, and then the right companies hire accordingly. The platform lets you get the perfect job in different categories, full time, as an intern, etc. One of the leading job portals is Naukri platform which is rising at a rapid pace in providing better jobs for deserving candidates. Well, there are some important factors to keep in mind about designing the best online portal to help people in searching a wide range of jobs.

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**Factors that play an important role in deciding the cost of online job portal: **

. Creating an app like completely depends on the platform for which you are designing it, iOs or Android.

. The overall design of application also plays an important role in deciding on the cost. It is vital to keep a stunning user interface to entice the job searchers.

. The total size of the application also plays an important role in deciding the cost of a Job Portal Clone.

. Choosing the skilled developer and the location of programmers is the essential factor in deciding the complete costing.

**Important features to include in the job portal application: **

**1 Proper functioning on the top platforms: **

One of the essential features to include in an online job portal is to check if the software works properly on different platforms such as Android, iOs, etc. In the current date, there are numerous iPhone and Android smartphone users worldwide, and therefore it is vital to create a job portal accordingly with proper research. You can also opt for cross-platform development that runs smoothly for job searchers.

**2 The job portal must run at the speed of light: **

The programmers of the Job Portal Development Company plan for increasing the speed of software so that human resource professionals and employees can carry out their task faster. People are easily distracted by the app that runs very slow on the smartphone. Irrespective of the app you are creating, Android, iOs or hybrid, you must research how to enhance the speed of operating the app for users. The app which performs better eventually gets a higher number of downloads.

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**3 User experience also matters to a lot of extents: **

Another important feature that grabs the eyeballs of job searchers is the overall design which gives better user experience. In today’s date, it is crucial to include unique features to remain at the edge of competition in the digital world. You can create the interface which is easy to navigate by job searchers in the blink of an eye. You must discuss with the designing team to create an app interface with incredible colour contrast to attract more and more users rapidly. It will also increase the word of mouth marketing for your online job portal.

4 Ease of access to user’s account on the job portal app:

Many times, it happens that people are using another app but gets notifications from human resource professionals on the job portal app. In such a case, it must be easier for job seekers to click on the new job notifications without any hassle. It will help them to know about the recruiter and the company in just a slide through on their smartphone. Moreover, whenever someone joins a new company or leaves a company, then the job portal platform must provide simple steps to upgrade the account accordingly to enhance their profile’s visibility on the online Job Portal Clone quickly. The dashboard must include fewer details to fill so that the user does not get bored.

5 Linking with the social media platform is vital in the current time:

Another important factor to include while planning for job portal development is that the user must be able to link it easily with their social media profile. In this way, it is easier for them to connect with other people and share the job vacancy with other friends who require a job. Moreover, it will also help the recruiters connect to numerous candidates at a time for filling up the job vacancy in a particular company. There are top giants in the social media sector such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. It also helps you to enhance social media marketing of your software at a rapid pace to increase the customer base and revenues.

**Bottom Line **

In this post, we have covered all the important features that will eventually take your online Job Portal Clone to reach new heights with a growing number of users. Once you make a thorough plan of software, then you need to research the best in class mobile app development companies for the development process. The skilled developers will help you to create a high-functionality mobile application as per your job portal business requirement. Moreover, the commendable developers will help you to include some functions that will make your app stand out from other job search software available on different platforms.

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