The only way to keep the Dutch at home is by grounding their offspring, as our government has discovered twice over. So, after spending two weeks dreading the end of the holiday season, last week marked the start of the second homeschooling ct season in a year.

Thanks mostly to my very structured wife and non-male children (no coincidence there), our household was prepared. We set up two desks in the living room, made schedules, and brought laptops, tablets, headphones, pencils, paper. But when it was time for the digital school gates to open, they… didn’t.


In our case, the school’s digital learning and communication platforms choked on the peak load all the homeschoolers generated. Luckily, Netflix/YouTube/the bookcase/outside was still online, so we just postponed the inevitable for a bit. By lunchtime, everything was already forgotten, replaced by the regular remote schooling joys and frustrations.

After dinner and coffee and ice cream, and some delicious white chocolate, I, ehm… Where was I? Oh yeah, I started to get curious about that morning’s outage. And I found an interesting ongoing status report by the Parro team.


The New Normal Demands Resilience Engineering
1.05 GEEK