Together, with some help from our favourite heroes and villains in the Marvel Universe let’s look at the 5 key areas to master

TypeScript is popular.

A recent survey carried out by Stack Overflow places TypeScript as the second most loved language after Rust. That’s up 8 places on the 2019 rating.

What’s more, you’re our in good company if you are using it. TypeScript is at the moment used by Microsoft, Asana, Lyft, Slack, all Angular 2+ developers, many React & Vue.js developers, and thousands of other companies, so it has been and continues to be battle-tested.

I’m a believer in the 80/20 rule and think a case can be made that having a great understanding of 20% of the language can allow you to solve 80% of the daily problems you come across.

Together, with some help from our favourite heroes and villains in the Marvel Universe let’s look at the 5 key areas to master that make up that 20%.

1. Nail down the Types

2. The joy of Enums

3. When you need a little more flexibility

4. Scaling our new found control

5. Bringing it all together with a look at functions

#coding #javascript #programming #typescript

TypeScript Beginners: Here Are The 5 Areas You Must Master
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