10 Awesome React Tooltip Components

1. React Sticky Mouse Tooltip

React Sticky Mouse Tooltip .React tooltip component that follow mouse cursor. You can pass as children any HTML element or other React component.

React Sticky Mouse Tooltip

2. React Laag

Basically any kind of layer that can be toggled. Focus on what your layer should look like, and let react-laag take care of where and when to show it.

React Laag


  • Build your own tooltips / dropdown-menu’s / pop-overs / etc…
  • Not opinionated regarding styling or animations
  • Highly customizable
  • Small footprint (tree-shakable)
  • Zero dependencies
  • Built with typescript / ships with typescript definitions
  • Integrates well with other libraries
  • Automatically adjusts your layer’s placement to fit the screen
  • Works with nested scroll-containers
  • Observes and reacts to changes in dimensions

3. React Portal Hint

This library is in the alpha phase. React Portal Hint .Many things are subject to change.

React Portal Hint

The intuitive, efficient, configurable Tooltip/Popover which exploits React Portals. Parallel fading is enabled.

Demo :https://react-portal-hint-demo.netlify.com/?path=/story/default--events

4. React js Popup

React Popup Component - Modals,Tooltips and Menus  -  All in one

React js Popup

5. React Tiny Popover

A simple and highly customizable popover react higher order component with no other dependencies! Typescript friendly.

React Tiny Popover

View on Github

6. React tooltip-lite

A lightweight and responsive tooltip. Feel free to Post an issue if you’re looking to support more use cases.

React tooltip-lite

7. React png Tooltip

A graphical user interface element that will render when the user hovers over (optional) or clicks an item, a tooltip may appear with information about said item.

React png Tooltip

View on Github

8. React Simple Tooltip

A lightweight and simple tooltip component for React.

React Simple Tooltip

9. Reactjs - Mapple ToolTip

A light weighted, easy and customizable tool tip for your app. Mapple is crafted in an elegant manner.

Reactjs - Mapple ToolTip

View on Github

10. React-awesome-popover

A smart popover component with animation support for ReactJS.


View on Github

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10 Awesome React Tooltip Components
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