Javascript is a popular programming language in the software development market. You may know Node.js and React.js as these are the two most adopted technologies. Both of these technologies are used in web app development and both have inbuilt benefits and some disadvantages. Most of the developers struggle to decide which one is better. One of the main differences between Node.js and React.js is- Node.js is a back-end framework and React.js is used for creating user interfaces. If you are also confused to choose best between these two, then you must go through the below differences between Node.js and React.js. Before diving to the Node.js vs React.js, let us see each one in short.

What Is Node.js?

Nodejs is an open-source runtime environment to run JavaScript code outside of the browser. Most of the developers and business owners get confused and think that it is similar to React.js. In fact it is completely different from React.js and is used for different purposes. Node.js is used for developing back-end services like APIs for web or mobile applications. It is used used by popular companies like netflix, Paypal, Uber and so on.

Reasons of choosing Nodejs-
1. High Performance-
Most of the organizations choose Node.js because it offers high performance. It is made upon Google Chrome’s V8 runtime, written in C++ and is super fast. Both Node.js and V8 are regularly updated with security, performance optimizations and support for cutting edge JavaScript features. Walmart reported a great experience after use of Node.js when they shifted to Node to increase Black Friday sales.

2. Lightweight-
All Node.js apps use basic event-driven architecture. Means everything executed on it, including each single operation, is called as a progression of asynchronous callbacks. This allows Node.js to effectively run single-threaded apps unlike other web technologies where new string is produced as per the request by the client. This makes apps lightweight and makes the foundation for non-blocking I/O feature in Node.JS.

3. Fast-
Node.js is powered by JavaScript and V8 versions. V8 offers the capacity to execute and compile JavaScript with speed as it compiles JS codes into native machine code. Also, Node.js has the event loop- single string playing out all the I/O activities in a synchronized way. And this makes Node.js more fast.

4. Single Language For All Layers-
All functions incorporate two languages- one on the server-side and other on client-side. But Node uses Javascript for both. In this manner, web developers need to interact in a single language over all layers. Also, this can be reused again and again for future communications.

What Is React.js?

React.js is a JavaScript library launched by Facebook and maintained by a community of developers. Generally it is used to develop the front-end of web and mobile app and works on Model-View-Controller architecture. Developers uses React as a base for creating single-page applications and then they use different libraries to give extra support to their web apps.

Reasons Of Choosing React.js-
1. Fast And Cost-Effective-
React.js has lots of reusable components that help app developers to create and maintain app easily and effectively. Also, react powers react native, that is a reliable cross platform app development framework. Such relationship helps organizations to build a solid mobile presence along with the web while using React.

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Node.js Vs React.js : Which One To Choose For Web App? - Solace Infotech Pvt Ltd
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