List All Containers in Docker (Docker Command)

Learn how to list all Docker containers, including running, stopped, and paused containers. List all Docker containers running on your machine. Includes step-by-step instructions and examples.

We can get a list of all containers in docker using docker container list or docker ps commands.

List Docker Containers

To list down docker containers we can use below two commands

  • docker container list
  • docker ps

docker container ls command introduced in docker 1.13 version. In older versions we have to use docker ps command.

List all Containers in docker, using docker ls command

The below command returns a list of all containers in docker.

docker container list -all


docker container ls -all

List all containers in docker, using docker ps command

In older version of docker we can use docker ps command to list all containers in docker.

$ docker ps -all


$ docker ps -a

List all Running docker containers

The default docker container ls command shows all running docker containers.

$ docker container list


$ docker container ls


To get list of all running docker containers use the below command

$ docker ps

List all stopped docker containers command

To get list of all stopped containers in docker use the below commands

$ docker container list -f "status=exited"


$ docker container ls -f "status=exited"

or you can use docker ps command

$ docker ps -f "status=exited"

List all latest created docker containers

To list out all latest created containers in docker use the below command.

$ docker container list --latest

Show n last created docker containers

To display n last created containers in docker use the below command.

$ docker container list --last=n

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List All Containers in Docker (Docker Command)
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