The Agora Software Defined Real-time Network (SD-RTN) can do so much more than just video and audio. When you break it down, our SD-RTN allows you to send data in real time. Using the agora_rtm package, we can send any string across the network. In this tutorial, @Tadas Petra will be showcasing it with real time chat.

Agora is the leading Real-Time Engagement (RTE) platform. Our mission is to make real-time engagement ubiquitous, allowing everyone to interact with anyone, anytime and anywhere. Our video, voice and live interactive video SDKs help developers deliver rich in-app experiences—including embedded voice and video chat, real-time recording, interactive live streaming, and real-time messaging—for users across many industries including gaming, social, education, entertainment and enterprise.

0:00 Introduction
0:39 Starter Project
1:54 Setting up RTM
2:30 Create Client
4:20 Connect to Channel
7:57 Query Online Users
9:08 Send Peer Message
9:52 Send Channel Message
10:25 Ideas for using with Video Call
10:56 Summary


#flutter #agora

Real Time Messaging Flutter App with Agora
16.10 GEEK