How To Control Anger Before It Starts Controlling You: 8 Tips with Expert Advice

Anger is a natural human emotion, and feeling angry from time to time is perfectly normal. However, when anger becomes frequent, intense, or uncontrollable, it can have detrimental effects on your well-being and relationships. Learning How to Control Anger is a valuable skill that can significantly improve your life. In this guide, we'll explore eight expert-backed tips to help you manage and control anger effectively.

1. Recognize the Early Signs

The first step in controlling anger is to become aware of the early signs. Anger doesn't typically come out of nowhere; there are often warning signals. These may include increased heart rate, muscle tension, clenched fists, or a feeling of irritation. By recognizing these signs, you can intervene before your anger escalates.

2. Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a simple yet powerful technique to calm your body's physiological response to anger. When you feel anger rising, take slow, deep breaths. Inhale through your nose for a count of four, hold for a count of four, and then exhale through your mouth for a count of six. This can help lower your heart rate and reduce tension.

3. Use Visualization

Visualization involves mentally picturing a calm and peaceful place when you start to feel anger. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in this serene environment, focusing on the sights, sounds, and sensations. Visualization can help shift your focus away from the source of your anger and create a sense of calm.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of staying present at the moment without judgment. When anger arises, bring your attention to your thoughts and physical sensations without reacting. Mindfulness allows you to observe your anger from a distance, making it easier to manage.

5. Express Yourself Calmly

Bottling up anger can lead to explosive outbursts. It's essential to express your feelings, but do so calmly and assertively rather than aggressively. Use "I" statements to communicate your emotions and needs. For example, say, "I feel frustrated when…" instead of placing blame on others.

6. Take a Break

Sometimes, the best way to control anger is to temporarily remove yourself from the situation. If you feel overwhelmed by anger, step away for a few minutes. Go for a walk, practice relaxation techniques, or engage in an activity you enjoy. This break can help you gain perspective and prevent impulsive reactions.

7. Problem-Solving Skills

Anger often arises when we perceive a situation as unfair or frustrating. Developing problem-solving skills can help you address the underlying issues that trigger anger. Identify the problem, brainstorm solutions, and take practical steps to resolve it. A proactive approach can reduce anger-inducing situations.

8. Seek Professional Help

If anger continues to be a significant issue in your life and affects your relationships or daily functioning, consider seeking professional help. A therapist or counsellor can provide specialized techniques and strategies to manage anger effectively. They can also help you explore any underlying emotional issues contributing to your anger.

Expert Advice on Managing Anger

We spoke to Dr. Sarah Johnson, a licensed psychologist specializing in anger management, for her expert insights on controlling anger:

"Anger is a normal emotion, but when it becomes chronic or overwhelming, it's essential to address it. The first step is self-awareness; recognizing your triggers and early signs of anger is crucial. Once you're aware, practice anger management techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, and problem-solving. Remember that it's okay to seek professional help if you're struggling to control your anger; therapy can provide valuable tools and support."

Dr. Johnson's advice underscores the importance of self-awareness and seeking help when needed. Anger management is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice and guidance.


Controlling Anger is not about suppressing or denying your emotions but about managing them healthily and constructively. By recognizing early signs, using relaxation techniques, and practising effective communication, you can regain control over your emotions and prevent anger from negatively impacting your life and relationships. Remember that seeking help from a therapist or counsellor is a valuable option if anger becomes unmanageable. With dedication and the right tools, you can ensure that anger doesn't control you but rather empowers you to respond to life's challenges with composure and resilience.




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